Pilipenko S. V., Beregova T. V., Kabanov A. V., Yankovskiy D. S.

The Influence of Multiprobiotoc «аpibact®» on Colon Motility in the Rats in Conditions of Long-Term Hypoacidty of Gastric Juice

About the author:

Pilipenko S. V., Beregova T. V., Kabanov A. V., Yankovskiy D. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of multiprobiotic “Apibact®” on changes in colon motility in the rats evoked by long-term injection of omeprazole. The research was conducted on 30 white nonlinear rats (males) weighing 170-200 grams which were divided into 3 groups. Animals of the 1st group (control) during 28 days were injected with H2O: 0,2 ml intraperitoneally (i. p.) and 0,5 ml per os. Animals of the 2nd group during 28 days were treated with omeprazole (Omez®, Sigma-Aldrich, USA) (14 mg/kg, diluted in 0,2 ml of H2O, per os) and 0,5 ml H2O i. p. Animals of the 3rd group during 28 days were simultaneously treated with omeprazole and multiprobiotic “Apibact®” (Limited company “O. D. Prolisok”, Ukraine). Multiprobiotic “Apibact®” is concentrated fluid biomass of bioplasts of symbiosis of 14 probiotic microorganisms strains (cell concentration saccharolytic anaerobes 1012 CFU / dose) and their physiologically valuable metabolites (vitamins, polysaccharides, short chain fatty acids, enzymes, essential amino acids, peptides, etc.). Also Multipro- biotic “Apibact®” contains 2,5 % extract of propolis that increased its anti-inflammatory action. In a day after last introduction of omeprazole, omeprazole ± multiprobiotic or water, an experiment was carried out to determine the spontaneous and stimulated colon motility. Each experiment started in the morning, on an empty stomach, after a day of starvation and free access to water. Animals were anesthetized with urethane (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) in dose 1,1 g/kg (i. p.). Colon motility was investigated by balloon-graphyc method. In a one hour of record of spontaneous contractions the rats were treated with standard stimulant of colon nonselective agonist of acetylcholine receptors carbachol (10 mkg/kg i. p.) and recorded colon motility yet during one hour. The following parameters were calcu- lated motility: the frequency and amplitude of contractions, the index of motor activity. The decrease of gastric secretion by omeprazole during 28 days didn’t influence on frequency of spontaneous contractions in colon but diminished amplitude of contractions by 66,7 % (р < 0,01) and index of motor activity – by 11 (p < 0,05). After 28 days of omeprazole injection colon motility stimulated by carbahol was significantly dimin- ished: amplitude of contractions and the index of motor activity decreased respectively by 80 % (р < 0,001) and 17,7 % (р < 0,05) in comparison with control. After 28 days of coadministration of omeprazole and multiprobiotic “Apibact®” amplitude of spontaneous con- tractions increased by 110 % (p < 0,05) versus a control group of rats treated with omeprazole alone but it remained below control values on 30 % (p < 0,05). The index of motor activity was restored to control values. In rats treated during 28 days with omeprazole and multiprobiotic “Apibact®” colon motor reaction on carbachol was significantly higher versus the rats treated only omeprazole. Amplitude of contractions enhanced by 263,6 % (р < 0,001) also it remained below in comparison with control by 27,3 % (р < 0,05). The index of motor activity enhanced to control level. We concluded: 1) multiprobiotic prevents the development of dysbiosis in colon that maintains normal short- chain fatty acids levels which have an important role in the regulation of motility; 2) multiprobiotics are preventative measures to eliminate the negative effects of long-term of gastric hypoacidity on colon motility.


colon, motility, omeprazole, multiprobiotic


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 162-166 pages, index UDK 591. 1 ± 577. 353