Makeyev V. F., Cherpak M. O.


About the author:

Makeyev V. F., Cherpak M. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article highlights the results of a study of the IR-spectroscopy of the synthetic osteoplastic materials. In the course of the research, we used the following biomaterials: polylactides Purasorb, Biomin GT-300 (bioceramic Kerhap) and biopolymer material (Polylactide PL) combined with hydroxyapatite (HA). Conducted by determining the characteristics of the binding component composite coating granules of calcium phosphate coated with a polymer material forming a structure osteoplastic material. Develop, modify and study the effect on reparative osteogenesis various synthetic materials based on hydroxyapatite (HA), -tricalcium phosphate (-TCP) and biopolymers aimed at creating favorable conditions for the fixation of dental implants and prosthetic rehabilitation using various prosthetic designs. Teeth are commonly absent from the dental arch either congenitally or as a result of disease, of which caries and periodontal breakdown are the most common. Tooth loss is also followed by resorption of the alveolar bone, which exacerbates the resultant tissue deficit. Clinicians have long sought to provide their patients with an artificial analogue of the natural teeth and a wide variety of materials and techniques have been used for this. However, it has not been possible to replicate the periodontal tissues and alternative strategies have therefore been adopted. These have been based on the principles of creating and maintaining an interface between the implant and the surrounding bone, which is capable of load transmission, associated with healthy adjacent tissues, predictable in outcome and with a high success rate. This outcome proved elusive until the discovery of the phenomenon of osseointegration. Factors influencing osseointegration: materials, bacterial contaminations, initial stability, bone quality. It is known that where an implant fits tightly into its osteotomy site then osseointegration is more likely to occur. This is often referred to as primary stability, and where an implant body has this attribute when first placed failure is less probable. This property is related to the quality of fit of the implant, its shape, and bone morphology and density. Graft osteoplastic materials. At present there are four principal categories of material used to augment the bone which will form the floor of the maxillary sinus: intra-oral or extra-oral autographs, allografts, xenografts, alloplastic graft material (calcium phosphate and polymeric PL materials combined with hydroxyapatite), a combination of the above. IR spectroscopy. In the IR-spectra of polylactide identified characteristic absorption bands corresponding to the carbonyl group (C=O), and IR spectra Biomin GT-300 – a characteristic absorption bands corresponding to hydroxyl groups (OH) and the absorption band, indicating the presence of -TСР – in tested models – phosphate group (PO4)3. For more information identified in the IR spectra of biopolymer calcium phosphate composite as compared to the IR spectra of HA characteristic absorption band of frequencies 1845-1735 cm- 1, which proves the presence of polylactide composite. Discovered bathochromic shift characteristic absorption band around 2°Cm-1: with a frequency interval 1845-1735 cm-1 in the IR spectrum of the PL to a frequency interval 1825-1715 cm-1 in the IR spectrum of the composite, a low range. Decomposition components of the characteristic absorption band Gaussian in the IR spectrum of biopolymer calcium phosphate composite in the frequency range 1825-1715 cm-1 peak for two – found that one of them, at a frequency of 1741 cm-1 characterizes the free carbonyl group, and the second at a frequency of 1771 cm-1 indicates the binding coordination bonds with the carbonyl groups submarine calcium ions on the surface of the material Biomin GT-300. Share square of carbonyl groups, corresponding to a signal from a common 1771 cm-1 from the total area amounts to 72-76% of the structural components of the composite. Thus it can be argued that the same proportion of macromolecules PL coordination bonds associated with mineral surfaces.


calcium-phosphate materials, biopolymeric materials, polylactide, bone defects, IR spectra


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 213-216 pages, index UDK 616. 31. 08, 543. 42