Yeroshenko G. A.

Educational Process’ Organization at the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology of For-eign Students, who Study in English

About the author:

Yeroshenko G. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Every year the number of students, that receiving higher medical education in English increases. Since the teaching of courses in English in the practice of higher medical education in Ukraine has spread recently highlighted a number of issues requiring discussion and decision. Relevant work in this direction enhance the image of the English language teaching, to maintain quality at the proper level. In the organization of educational process with English speaking students there are a number of features: - teachers need to deepen their knowledge of foreign language, to learn the right pronunciation of special terms during the preparation for the lectures. The level of knowledge, which gives a constant work with English-language literature in the preparation of teaching materials, books, lectures and practical training is not sufficient. Teachers need to practice communication with specialists in the field of histology, cytology and embryology, who are fluent in English. Thus, you can raise the authority of the teacher and promote understanding of teacher and student at the proper level. - some students whose English is not enough. Separate slowly read the text, not deep enough, understand it, and consequently can not solve the test tasks «Krok 1». During the lectures the students have no time to record the lecture material. In order to overcome certain difficulties at the Department of histology, cytology and embryology abstracts of lectures are given in English to students in the form of a printed and electronic media. Lectures are provided in the form of multimedia presentations, animation, fragments of films, situational problems. Given the degree of assimilation of some sections explain more in detail, with replays. Lectures are accompanied by a video with simultaneous translation and followed by discussion. During the lecture course, there is active feedback – English-speaking students at the lecture active, ask a lot of questions to the lector who tries to build his explanation so, to get students to think logically. This way of communication with the audience allows the teacher to find out the basic training of students and to focus on the most complex and important topics and themes. The problem is the lack of English textbooks is partially solved through the use of new learning technologies – the Internet, e-textbooks. With the introduction of credit-modular system, emphasis was given to testing of students. The chair published the collection of tests for the preparation of the English-speaking students to pass the licensing exam «Krok 1». On the page of the Department on the website of the Academy hosted situations tasks from the data Bank «Krok 1» from the selected key words, which helps students to find the right answer and to justify it. Consultations have been held regularly for English speaking students on issues of preparation for the licensing examination «Krok 1». The problem of the language barrier remains one of the most important problems of teaching foreign students. Guided by the ultimate objective of training high-calibrated doctors who meet contemporary requirements, the Department of histology, cytology and embryology creates favourable conditions for the acquisition of English-speaking students of the modern professional knowledge, practical skills and abilities at the level of European standards.


histology, English-speaking students, the teaching method


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 98-100 pages, index UDK 611. 018+611. 013]: 378. 14