Krivolap N. V., Krasnozhon S. V.

The Child’s Body Predicting Response to Exercise Having Manifestation Displasticecardiopathy

About the author:

Krivolap N. V., Krasnozhon S. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. One of the medical ensuring physical education priority task is the improving the quality of doctor’s control during the classes considering high part of students with low level of health. Besides, there are fatal cases during physical education classes caused by child’s inability to adaptphysical activity proposed school program because of student’s health low level. Purpose of research – form criteria dividing children of the school age into groups to measure out physical activity during physical training classes and propose the prediction algorithmcardiovascular systemadaptation reaction and prevention of possiblecomplications. Material and methods of research. 139 studentsmale and female of the main medical group primary and secondary school age were examined. Students only of the main medical group took part in research. All the students were done electrocardiografia and veloergometry with the help of diagnosticcomplex“ Cardio+”, transthoracicechocardiography investigation with the help of device “ Sonomed 400” (microconvex sensorwith a frequency of 3,5MHzwith integrated pulse and continuous use of oppler). Research results and discussion. Students with different level of health belong to the main medical group and they are proposed to do the same physical activity during physical training classes. In general, the proliferation of changes on EKG is displayed 66,2% students. Due to the fact that all the EKG changes are child’s cardiogram feature, students are not recommended additional examination. Only 17,7% students are showed manifestation displasticecardiopathy and these indices are not differ from similar in population. Analyzing the frequency of displasticecardiopathydetection we can see that more often students have got the mitral valve prolapse, on average 12% cases. Increasing level of student’s physical health risesabsolute indicator reached the maximum capacity (MC) test PWC170. The average MC index of students with “safe” health zone is 2,51±0,05 while students with low level of health have 1,57±0,1. Conclusion. Students belonged to the main medical group of physical training lessons by different principles are much different according physical health level. According to obtained and analyzed results of research offer using techniqueof physical health quantitative express – evaluation by Apanasenko H. L. as criteria for dividing students into groups for physical training classes, keeping principle of safety and health. Recommendations. Take into account therelationship between the level of physical health, student’s functional state, physicalwork capacity level regulating physical activity during physical training classes children should be devided into three groups:  Low and below the average level of physical health students;  Average level of physical health students;  Above the average and high level of physical health students belonged to “safe” zone of health.


health level, health, school, medical care, adaptation to physical activity, physical education


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 155-159 pages, index UDK 616. 127–002–007. 17+613. 73] –037–053. 2