Boyko L. A., Fira L. S., Lyhatskіy P. G., Vasylyshyn N. A.

Permeability of the Plasmatic Membrane of Hepatocytes and Erythrocytes in the Dynamic of the Af-fected Rats with Carbophos

About the author:

Boyko L. A., Fira L. S., Lyhatskіy P. G., Vasylyshyn N. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Organophosphates belong to the constant factor of environmental pollution. Their pen-etration into the human body leads to the general intoxication and formation of the numerous quantity of the endog-enous toxins, which, together with exogenous xenobiotic act as toxic agents on the cell membranes. One of the most important markers of the degree of the toxic affects is the increasing of the permeability of the plasma membrane of hepatocytes and erythrocytes [5]. Based on these, the aim of our study was to determine the permeability of the plasmatic membrane of hepatocytes and erythrocytes in the dynamics of in the dynamic of the affected rats with carbophos. Materials and methods. Experiments were conducted on the white rats with the weight 175-200 g. The animals were kept on a standard food allowance at the vivarium of SHEI « I. ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical Univer-sity of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine». Animals were divided into four groups: the 1-st – intact control, the 2-nd – the animals affected with carbophos during 10 days; the 3-d – the animals affected with carbophos during 20 days and the 4-th – the rats affected with corbophos during 30 days. Carbophos was daily administrated intra- gastrically in the form of the aqueous solution of 20 mg/kg on the weight of a rat, that is equal 1/10 from the LD50. On the 10-th, 20-th and 30-th day from the beginning of the carbophos administration rats were euthanized with sodium thiopental. Results and discussion. After the affecting rats with carbophos it was observed the increasing of the amino-transferase activity in the serum during the all term of the researching. The activity of AlAT has increased in 1,3 times in the serum and decreased in 1,1 times in the liver at the 10 days injection of carbophos. This index has increased in 1,7 times in the serum and decreased in 1,2 times in the liver at the 20 days injection of carbophos. According to the 30 days administration of carbophos the activity of ALAT has increased in 2 times in the serum and decreased in 1,7 times in the liver. The same changes were observed in the determination of the activity of AsAT in the serum and liver of the affect-ed animals. The reducing of the aminotransferases activity in the liver indicates on the cytolysis of the hepatocytes and the changes in the permeability of the membranes which leads to the releasing of the organ specific enzymes into the extracellular space. Another marker of the hepatocyte cytolysis is alkaline phosphatase (ALP), the increasing of its activity in the serum indicates the development of the inflammatory process in the liver. The activity of this enzyme has increased in 1. 2 times after the 10 days injection of carbophos, in 1,3 times (after the 20 days administration), in 1,5 times (after the 30 days administration) concerning to the intact control. The activity of ALP has decreased in the liver In the experiment, we investigated the permeability of the erythrocyte membranes. Established, that the per-centage of membrane permeability increased after the affecting of animals with carbophos on the other hand it was confirmed by the increasing of the erythrocyte index of intoxication. The percentage of the erythrocyte membrane permeability has increased on 4,9% concerning to the control group at the 10 days administration of carbophos, on 7,2% (at the 20 days administration) and 13,7% (at the 30 days administration). Conclusion. The conducted researches confirmed the toxicity of carbophos influences on the state of the cell membranes in the affected animals, that is accompanied with the modification in their permeability. The last one indicates the increasing of aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase in the serum during 30 days of the investigation, as well as reducing the activity of these enzymes in the liver. Destructive effect of carbophos and its metabolites on erythrocytes confirmed by the increasing of percentage of the permeability of erythrocyte’s membranes.


Carbophos, aminotransferases, plasmatic membranes, hepatocytes, erythrocyte index of intoxication


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 285-288 pages, index UDK 548. 393 – 06: [611 – 08. 51+611. 36 – 018. 1] – 0929