Kaskova L. F., Novikova S. C., Novikov E. M., Anoprieva N. M., Ulasevich L. P.

Ozone Therapy Influence on Condition of Oral Hygiene in Treatment of Chronic Catarrhal Gingivitis in Children

About the author:

Kaskova L. F., Novikova S. C., Novikov E. M., Anoprieva N. M., Ulasevich L. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The problem of periodontal pathology in children caused by both excessive prevalence of disease and the fact that delayed their treatment in childhood and adolescence leads eventually to serious irreversible lesions of periodontal tissues in adulthood. According to WHO experts, 80% of the child population present some symptoms or the full range of symptoms of inflammation in periodontal. For now accumulated data bank on the epidemiological characteristics of prevalence of periodontal diseases in children, which indicate that the increase in the incidence continues, including those in Ukraine. Survey results of children aged 6 to 15 years found that the prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases is 74,3 ± 2,47%. During alternating occlusion incidence of inflammatory periodontal diseases reached 82,22 ± 2,85%, while the same figure for children with permanent occlusion significantly lower – 58,2 ± 4,83%. Inflammation in periodontal tissues corresponded clinical gingivitis and 98,67 ± 0,76% of observations and had a chronic course. Chronic gingivitis in 93,73 ± 1,62% of children had symptoms of catarrhal, chronic catarrhal gingivitis significantly more often detected during alternating occlusion – to 62,33 ± 3,24%. Recently, a growing body of research on preventive effect on periodontal tissue modern physiotherapy treatments, including ozone therapy. All of them demonstrate their indisputable beneficial effect on the course of dental disease in young and middle-aged, shortening treatment compared with traditional methods, prolonged remission. Preventive and therapeutic interventions are especially important for children age 7-10 years because in this period is the formation of periodontal tissues. In this regard, it is important to study the indicators of homeostasis of the oral cavity in children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis during alternating occlusion and the effect of treatment and preventive measures aimed at reducing infestation indexes of periodontal tissues in children with the most modern methods of physical therapy (ozone therapy). The aim of our study was to investigate the hygienic conditions of the oral cavity in children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis during alternating occlusion. This work gives the comparative analysis of changes in the state of oral hygiene index of Fedorova-Volodkina and Rustogi during complex treatment of children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis under the influence of health care facilities with the most modern methods of physical therapy (ozone therapy) aimed at reducing infestation indices of periodontal tissues. Received results allowed to conclude that developed and introduced into clinical practice preventive and medical complex contributed to the improvement of oral hygiene in the treatment of children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis.


chronic catarrhal gingivitis, children, ozoneterapy


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 331-334 pages, index UDK 616. 31-083-085. 214