Shatorna V. F., Tymchuk K. M.


About the author:

Shatorna V. F., Tymchuk K. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The search for new forms of microelements, which may have potential bioantagonistic properties regarding the toxicity and accumulation of cadmium compounds, is relevant today. Promising are biotechnological preparations, which include trace elements in the form of succinates, which have recently been increasingly used in medical and biological experimental work. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the degree of accumulation of cadmium and copper in the small intestine and blood of adult females and in rat embryos with isolated intragastric administration of cadmium chloride and with combined administration with copper succinate in a chronic experiment. Female rats were exposed to the studied factors daily from the 1st to the 19th day of pregnancy by intragastric injection of the solution; on the 13th and 19th days of pregnancy, the females were surgically slaughtered. To fulfill the purpose of the research, during the experiment blood was taken, the small intestine of pregnant females and embryos were removed, which were to be frozen without fixation to determine the degree of cadmium accumulation. The level of accumulation of cadmium and copper was determined in two directions: the first direction is the accumulation of these microelements in the small intestine and in the blood of female rats; the second direction is determining the accumulation of cadmium and copper in embryos. The method of polyelement analysis of biological materials by atomic emission with electric arc atomization was used to determine shifts in the trace element balance. Isolated chronic administration of cadmium chloride increases the level of cadmium accumulation in the studied biological samples (blood, small intestine of female rats, embryos), and combined administration of copper succinate with cadmium chloride reduces the level of cadmium accumulation compared to the group of isolated cadmium administration in a chronic experiment. The combined administration of copper succinate with cadmium chloride has a modifying effect on the accumulation of cadmium chloride both in the blood and intestine of female rats, and in embryos, and copper succinate itself can be considered as a possible bioantagonist of cadmium.


rats,accumulation,cadmium,copper,small intestine,embryo


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 97-101 pages, index UDK 611.013:616.341-092.9:546.48