Stroev M. Yu., Berezka M. I., Vlasenko D. V., Karpinsky M. Yu., Yaresko A. V., Karpinska O. D.


About the author:

Stroev M. Yu., Berezka M. I., Vlasenko D. V., Karpinsky M. Yu., Yaresko A. V., Karpinska O. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Fractures of the bones of the tibia make up a significant part of the structure of traumatism. During the period of 2015-2018, closed tibial fractures in the Kharkiv region accounted for 19% of other traumatic injuries, in Ukraine this figure is 36%. More than 50% of complications are related to the treatment of fractures of the bones of the lower leg, which causes long-term disability. Goal. To carry out a comparative analysis of the stress-strain state of models of the tibia with its fracture in the lower third with different options of osteosynthesis under the influence of bending load depending on the patient’s weight. Materials and methods. The model simulated a tibial fracture in the lower third and three types of osteosynthesis using an external fixation device (EFD), a bone plate and an intramedullary rod. The models were tested under the influence of a bending load of 700 N and 1200 N. The results. Osteosynthesis of EFD and an intramedullary rod provide a reduction of stress values in the fracture zone below the level of indicators for an intact bone. The periosteal plate shows significantly worse indicators in the fracture zone and in the distal part of the tibia. In the proximal part, the highest stress level is determined in the model with EFD osteosynthesis. In metal structures, the greatest stresses occur in the periosteal plate. On fixing screws and rods, the highest level of stress is determined when using an intramedullary rod, the minimum – when using EFD. Conclusions. The worst stress level indicators in the fracture zone and the metal structure were determined when using a bone plate. Since these indicators are equal to the indicators of the strength limits of both tubular bones and stainless steel, early loads, in this case, can cause a fracture of the plates, and not a fusion of the fragments of the tibial bone. Osteosynthesis using EFD and an intramedullary rod ensures the lowest level of tension in the fracture zone.




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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 280-290 pages, index UDK 616.718.5/.6-001.5-089.813:613.65]:004.492](045)