Ostrovska S. S., Abramov S. V., Dychko E. N., Vyselko A. D., Konovalova O. S., Danilchenko A. K.


About the author:

Ostrovska S. S., Abramov S. V., Dychko E. N., Vyselko A. D., Konovalova O. S., Danilchenko A. K.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The review presents modern ideas about the significance of epigenetic changes caused by toxic environmental factors, such as cadmium (Cd), on the realization of the phenotype in the process of gene expression. The central and absolute dogma of genetics, that information in cells flows in only one direction, from DNA to RNA and then to proteins, is now essentially debunked due to the role of non-coding RNAs and histone proteins in modulating gene expression without changing the genetic code or the DNA sequence itself. Sphere of toxic epigenomics, which studies the relationship between epigenetic changes and disease status in response to exposure to heavy metals, is currently at the forefront of science. These data are successfully used as biomarkers of the results of exposure to environmental factors, as well as predictors of diseases. Epigenetic modifications can be hereditary, for example, when the mother is exposed to toxicants during pregnancy. There is increasing evidence that cadmium (Cd) can manifest its toxicity through non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs), causing aberrant changes in their expression, which are directly related to various pathophysiological conditions and signaling pathways. Studies of epigenetic changes in plants are aimed at determining the profiles of miRNA expression patterns in response to biotic and abiotic stresses caused by Cd. They minimize oxidative stress and can be key targets for genetic manipulation to obtain positive results, including resistance to drought, extreme growth conditions, and resistance to toxicants. In an experiment on animals, a profile of expression and disregulation of miRNAs harmful to normal cellular function was revealed, which ultimately leads to the development of various diseases and the transformation of a normal cell into cancer. In mice, specific patterns of miRNA expression were revealed, which are potential biomarkers of the influence of carcinogens. Unlike genetic changes, which are difficult to reverse, epigenetic aberrations can be reversed by pharmaceutical drugs. Epigenetic tools are used as preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic markers. The above research results indicate that miRNAs, as one of the epigenetic mechanisms, have great potential in regulating the vital processes of development and growth of plants, animals, and humans.


епігенетичні модифікації,некодуючі міРНК,експресія генів,кадмій,епігенетичні механізми як профілактичні,діагностичні та терапевтичні маркери


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 36-43 pages, index UDK 612.014.46:546,48:577.21(048.8)