Bezvushko E. V., Musii-Sementsiv Kh. H., Kostura V. L., Hordon-Zhura H. S., Martovlos O. I.


About the author:

Bezvushko E. V., Musii-Sementsiv Kh. H., Kostura V. L., Hordon-Zhura H. S., Martovlos O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Research in recent years indicates a high prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases in children and adolescents. It has been proven that in children with overweight, periodontal tissue diseases occur much more often than in children with normal weight. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to justify and clinically evaluate the effectiveness of a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures in children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis on the background of overweight. For this purpose, 158 children with overweight aged 12-15 years were examined. All children were divided into the main group, the comparison group and the control group. The clinical assessment of the intensity of the inflammatory process and the effectiveness of the treatment of HCG was carried out based on clinical signs and periodontal indices. For the treatment of HCG in children with overweight, a therapeutic and preventive complex was developed, which included: teaching children and their parents about hygiene, the rational choice of hygiene products, professional oral hygiene 2 times per year, and for children with moderate and severe gingivitis – 3-4 times; sanitation of the oral cavity; local application of our patented gel and mouthwash. It was recommended to rinse the oral cavity with herbal anti-inflammatory agents at home, correction of nutrition was carried out. In the comparison group and the control group, the treatment of HCG was carried out according to local protocols. The effectiveness of the HCG treatment was evaluated by the dynamics of clinical indicators during follow-up examinations the next day, after 5-6 and 12-14 days according to the criteria of «normalization», «improvement», «no change». It was established that the use of the developed complex for HCG treatment in children with overweight contributed to more pronounced normalization of clinical symptoms compared to children who received conventional treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment is also evidenced by a significant decrease in periodontal indices at all follow-up periods. Thus, the analysis of the immediate clinical results of the HCG treatment in children with overweight of the main group testified to the reliably high therapeutic effectiveness of the composition of local action in the form of gel and mouthwash on the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues compared to the generally accepted method of treatment. Local pharmacological correction of the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues contributed to the elimination of inflammation and improved oral hygiene.


chronic catarrhal gingivitis,periodontal indices,children,overweight,treatment


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 380-388 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-002-036.12-053.2-056.5-08