Bobukh V. V., Andreiko S. S., Bilanova L. P., Bilash V. P., Oliinichenko Ya. O., Shkolna O. V., Bilash S. M.


About the author:

Bobukh V. V., Andreiko S. S., Bilanova L. P., Bilash V. P., Oliinichenko Ya. O., Shkolna O. V., Bilash S. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Today, training highly qualified medical workers remains an essential task of Ukraine’s health care system. We are talking not only about doctors but also about professional junior bachelors, in particular medical nurses, who must not only perform manipulations under the guidance of a doctor but also possess a sufficient level of knowledge and professional skills to be able to make independent decisions within their competence. An essential element of this is clinical thinking, which belongs to the most general, primary, and initial concepts of medicine, based on which medical science is built and, as a result, the professional activity of medical workers is realized. There are several definitions of this concept, which characterize it as a particular type of professional thinking characteristic of healthcare workers and based on a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the application of one’s own experience in caring for the health of patients. Thus, an essential element of effective clinical practice is how health professionals “think” when faced with a clinical problem. The first principles of clinical thinking begin to be formed at the initial stages of training in the institution of vocational pre-university education when studying general medical disciplines, which later is the basis for studying professional nursing disciplines. In addition, various modern teaching methods are widely used in practical classes. These include the case method, the business game method, the “brainstorming” method, and the use of situational tasks. The combination of various elements of these methods contributes not only to the formation of clinical thinking but also has a direct impact on both creative and critical thinking, which are integral parts of the professional thinking inherent in medical workers. Having acquired sufficient theoretical and practical training, every specialist should be able to apply his knowledge in a particular professional niche. The combination of critical, creative, and clinical thinking elements in nurses is an essential element of effective clinical activity. Forming these components of professional thinking in obtaining vocational pre-university education prepares future healthcare system employees for their professional duties’ effective and highly qualified performance.


students of vocational pre-university education,clinical thinking,modern teaching methods


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 233-239 pages, index UDK 378.147:614.25/.253