Kaminska M. V.


About the author:

Kaminska M. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article is devoted to the study of the correlated dependence between the main clinical indices gained over the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis in patients from different ecological Prycarpathian regions. The aim of the study is to establish a correlation between periodontal indices and a comparative analysis of the results obtained during the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis in patients from different ecological Prycarpathian regions. Materials and methods. A total of 83 patients affected by generalized periodontitis from different ecological areas were enrolled in this examination. The correlation analysis was conducted between clinical indicators concerning generalized periodontitis. Results. There were established significant (p˂0.05) correlations of various strength and origin between the PMA index and bleeding index, Russell index and the depth of periodontal pockets, PMA index and Russell index, the Fedorova-Volodkina index and the bleeding index, oral hygiene index and PMA index, Russell index and the bleeding index, the depth of periodontal pockets and the bleeding index, PMA and the depth of periodontal pockets, the Fedorova-Volodkina index and periodontal Russell index, oral hygiene index and the depth of periodontal pockets. Scientific novelty. It was established a correlated dependence between the main periodontal indices observed by periodontal disorders as well as a conduction of a comparative analysis of the results gained over the therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis in patients from different ecological Prycarpathian regions. Conclusions. It has been proven that there is a correlated dependence between the main periodontal indices observed in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis and the possibility of using the correlation method of statistical analysis in the processing of data in patients with periodontal disorders.


generalized periodontitis,the correlations of various,Fedorova-Volodkina index,PMA index,periodontal Russell index,the bleeding index,the depth of periodontal pockets


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 400-404 pages, index UDK 546.48 + 546.173 + 616-008.9 + 616.314-002.4 + 616.31-085