Dundiuk-Berezina S. I., Slobodian O. M.


About the author:

Dundiuk-Berezina S. I., Slobodian O. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The development of modern perinatal medicine requires anatomists to conduct comprehensive studies of the regularities of the structure and topography of organs and structures formation in various areas on the fetal and early periods of human ontogenesis in order to develop a morphological basis for diagnostic and treatment methods of congenital pathology. The information about the range of individual anatomical variability of the shape and size of the zygomatic bone at different stages of human ontogenesis, topographical and anatomical features of the layers and vascular-nerve formations of the zygomatic and adjacent facial areas is of important applied value primarily for maxillofacial doctors, and fetal surgeons. Purpose: to determine the technique of the sequence of actions during the anatomical preparation of the zygomatic and adjacen facial areas in human fetuses. Materials and methods. The research was carried out on preparations of the facial areas of the head of 57 human fetuses of 160.0-500.0 mm parietal-calcaneal length (PCL) using macro-microscopic preparation, vessels injections, morphometry and statistical analysis. Results. The boundaries of the zygomatic area in human fetuses correspond to the boundaries of the body of the zygomatic bone. During the study, such maorphometric parameters as the height and width of the zygomatic bone were determined. The height of the zygomatic bone is established from the top of its frontal process to the middle of the lower edge of the body of the zygomatic bone, the width is along the horizontal line that is drawn through the middle of the body of the zygomatic bone from the zygomatic-maxillary suture and the zygomatic-temporal suture. Dissection of the muscles, vessels and nerves of the zygomatic area and adjacent facial areas, as well as determination of the morphometric characteristics of the zygomatic bone in human fetuses of different ages, were performed in stages: the first – superficial and then deep formations were dissected, and at the end were carried out measurements of the dimensions of the zygomatic bone. Conclusion. We believe that the sequence of actions used during the preparation of the zygomatic and adjacent facial areas in human fetuses preserves the natural appearance and relationships between the structures of the research objects as much as possible.


zygomatic area,structures,morphometry,dissection,fetus


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 262-269 pages, index UDK 611.92.086:681.723.7