Berezhnaya O. E., Kaskova L. F., Lazareva K. A.


About the author:

Berezhnaya O. E., Kaskova L. F., Lazareva K. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


There is a wide range of options for restoring carious temporary incisors and molars, and a significant number of dentists use it with great success. When visiting a pediatric dentist, one of the conditions for treating a child is to improve the appearance, create a good smile, to which the doctor should adequately respond and offer patients possible options for achieving their desires, given the need to restore chewing function. Therefore, it is important to explore the possibilities of using various methods of the crown restoration of deciduous teeth in children, to determine their advantages and provide recommendations for their use. 796 children aged 2-6 years with temporary occlusion with pathology of hard tissues of temporary teeth, accompanied by significant tooth decay, were treated. Sanitation of the oral cavity took place under general anesthesia. To restore temporary teeth, restoration with composite materials was used in 63% of cases, restoration using standard crowns of various types – in 37%. All our methods showed positive results and made it possible to save temporary teeth during the observation period. Standard crowns are widely used today in pediatric dentistry. They restore the anatomical shape of the tooth crown and chewing efficiency, prevent fracture of the remaining walls of the tooth crown, hermetically close the defect of hard tissues, the fixing cement remineralizes the hard tissues of the tooth under the crown due to the release of fluorides (in the case of using glass ionomer cements). In pediatric dentistry, it is possible to use different crowns: steel crowns from stainless steel, steel crowns with plastic lining, crowns from a framework of zirconium dioxide. Each of them has its own indications. The generally accepted and most common method in pediatric therapeutic dentistry for the restoration of temporary teeth is the use of composite filling materials. In our work, in 63% of cases, we used a nanoceramic, photopolymer, radiopaque universal composite, which is designed for restorations in both the anterior and lateral areas, in combination with a universal adhesive system. In 3.19% of cases, a year after treatment, chipped restorations of the anterior group of teeth were found. When choosing a particular technique, the doctor must take into account all the indications, contraindications, possible complications, the age of the child, the consent of the parents to the proposed method of restoring temporary teeth and make the most rational decision in each case.


children,caries,restoration of temporary molars and incisors,occlusal surface


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 389-395 pages, index UDK 616.314-053.4-085