Luts Yu. P., Lukyantseva H. V.


About the author:

Luts Yu. P., Lukyantseva H. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


One of the determining factors affecting the effectiveness of sports activities is the composition of the body of athletes, therefore the methods of studying the ratio of tissue components of the body are of great importance in sports practice for monitoring the physical condition and optimizing the training regimen of athletes. 35 athletes of various qualifications took part in our study, who were divided into 3 groups according to the criteria of aerobic performance (VO2max, MSC) – 1st group (highly qualified athletes), 2nd group (11 people, intermediate level athletes), 3rd group (12 people, amateur athletes). The highest value of VO2max was recorded in athletes of group 1, the value of MSC in athletes of group 2 is 20.18% lower compared to group 1, the value of MSC in amateur athletes is reduced compared to representatives of group 1 by 37.54%. The lowest body weight was registered in highly qualified athletes (65.85±4.7 kg), this indicator was higher in average-qualified athletes by 9.20%, and in amateur athletes by 27.33%. The fat-free body mass of individuals of group 1 is 92.40±2.6%, which is 2.05% higher compared to athletes of average qualification and 8.83% more compared to amateurs. The percentage of fat in the body of highly qualified athletes is 7.68%, which is 28.25% less than the value of group 2 spotters and 111.07% less compared to amateurs. The percentage of water in the body of highly qualified athletes is 66.99±2.8%, it is 4.33% less in persons of group 2, and 7.43% less in amateurs. The percentage of the mineral component of the skeleton in athletes with a high level of physical performance is 4.62±0.1%, which is 3.03% more than in athletes with an average level of performance and 9.09% more compared to amateurs. Thus, the morpho-functional indicators of the composition of the body of athletes of different levels of performance differ between individual groups of athletes depending on their qualifications.


maximum oxygen consumption,body composition,athletes,endurance


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 374-379 pages, index UDK 796.