Bumeister V. I., Sikora V. Z., Yarmolenko О. S., Prykhodko O. O.


About the author:

Bumeister V. I., Sikora V. Z., Yarmolenko О. S., Prykhodko O. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Nowadays, diabetes and its associated complications are one of the first places among the most common diseases of mankind. Serious complications during the progression of the disease are associated with disorders of the organs of the endocrine system, as well as with the structural and functional reorganization of all body systems. The morphological changes of such organs of the endocrine system as the adrenal glands and their blood vessels in the pathogenesis of diabetes remain insufficiently studied. The aim of the study was to determine the peculiarities of the histological changes in the vessels of the adrenal gland in young rats under the conditions of alloxan-induced chronic hyperglycemia. Experiments were conducted on 40 white male laboratory rats aged 3-4 months, divided into three groups: I – control, II – experimental (term of chronic hyperglycemia 30 days), III – experimental (term of chronic hyperglycemia 60 days). Chronic hyperglycemia was modeled using a chemical model of type I diabetes using alloxan. Decapitation of the animals was performed on the 30th and 60th day of the experiment, pieces of cortex and medulla of the adrenal glands of the animals were taken, and the peculiarities of histological changes in the vessels of the organ were studied. It was established that on the 30th day of the experiment, noticeable destructive changes occurred in the wall of some vessels and capillaries of both the cortex and medulla of the organ. Vessels with dilated and blood-filled lumens were present. Thickening of the arteriole wall was observed, swelling was noticeable. The adventitia contained disorganized connective tissue elements. The venules of the medulla of the organ were dilated and filled with blood, in some places there was perivascular edema and moderate leukocyte infiltration of the wall. A significant number of dilated capillaries with erythrocyte sludge in the lumen was observed in all zones of the adrenal cortex. The wall of the vessels of the medulla was destructively changed, perivascular edema was noted, leukocyte infiltration was present both in the media and in the adventitia. On the 60th day of the experiment, deep destructive changes in the structural components of the walls of various vessels were detected. The wall of most hemocapillaries of the adrenal cortex was with significant perivascular edema. Arterioles had a dilated and blood-filled lumen. Media has been destructively changed. The adventitia contained a large number of randomly arranged collagen fibers. The wall of most hemocapillaries of the cortex was with significant perivascular edema. In addition to dilated hemocapillaries, capillaries with a narrowed lumen and a destructively altered wall were also observed. The phenomenon of diapedesis and adhesion of leukocytes through the wall of venules was revealed. The adventitia membrane was stratified, swollen. Hemocapillaries of the medulla of the organ had wide blood-filled lumens. Areas of diapedesis hemorrhages were also characteristic.


hyperglycemia,alloxan,adrenal glands,blood vessels,histological changes


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 301-308 pages, index UDK 616.136.6/146.3-091.8:616.154.455-092.9