Karatieieva S. Yu., Slobodian O. M., Muzyka N. Ya., Slobodian K. V., Boichuk O. M.


About the author:

Karatieieva S. Yu., Slobodian O. M., Muzyka N. Ya., Slobodian K. V., Boichuk O. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In order to dynamically compare the proximal hip girth, depending on the types of sports, with the subsequent construction of a sports prediction model, a study was conducted on 132 students of Bukovyna, where the main group consisted of 92 (69.7%) students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Human Health of the Chernivtsi National Yuriy Fedkovich University, the control group – 40 (30.30%) students of the medical and dental faculties of the Bukovyna State Medical University. Age from 16 to 18 years. The primary research was carried out during SeptemberOctober 2021, and the repeated research of these same students in September-October 2022 according to the methodology of V.V. Bunaka in the modification of P.P. Shaparenka (determination of the proximal thigh girth on the right and left), a paired t-test (t-test of paired samples) was performed to compare the respondents’ indicators during the first measurement and again after a year. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the licensed program RStudio. It was established that when comparing the dynamics of the average difference in the proximal thigh girth between the subjects of the main and control groups, it was found that the representatives of the main group in all sports had a higher indicator than the representatives of the control group (right ± 1.61 cm; left ± 3.63 cm). A comparison of the dynamics of the proximal girth of the right and left thigh of the subjects of the main group shows that the proximal girth of the right thigh is greater than that of the left (thigh girth on the right – 53.63±2.0 cm, on the left – 51.84±2.0 cm). A comparison of the proximal girth of the right and left thighs of the subjects of the main group after a year in dynamics shows that the difference between the first and second measurement of the proximal girth of the left thigh is greater than that of the right (difference on the right ± 1.48 cm, on the left ± 3.53 cm). Model for predicting proximal thigh girth (right): y=β1 + β2 + 0.493x1 – 0.135 x2, where y is proximal thigh girth (right), x1 – body weight, x2 – height, β1= (49.735 for young girls and 44.489 for young boys ), β2= (–5.215 for the control group; –1.391 for football; –2.321 for handball; –1.277 for volleyball). The coefficient of determination is 99.7%. The model for predicting proximal thigh girth (left): y=β1 + β2 + 0.465x, where y is proximal thigh girth (left), x is weight, β1= (25.736 for young girls and 20.147 for young boys), β2= (–4.239 for the control group; –1.333 for football; –0.515 for handball; –1.487 for volleyball). The coefficient of determination is 99.7%. Significant predictors for predicting proximal thigh girth (right) are gender, sport, height, and body weight, and gender, sport, and body weight for predicting proximal thigh girth (left).


students,proximal thigh girth,mathematical model


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 367-373 pages, index UDK 611.982.068-044.8:796.077.2(477.85)