Havryliev V. M., Bukhanchenko O. P., Boiko I. V., Yatsenko I. V.


About the author:

Havryliev V. M., Bukhanchenko O. P., Boiko I. V., Yatsenko I. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article deals with the modern issue of the formation and functioning of the higher medical education system. The data from well-known academic literature sources were studied and the notions represented in the existing educational research were delineated and analyzed. The article presents modern ideas about obtaining higher education by higher education and post-graduate students, specialists who upgrade their skills and undergo additional training or retraining in the university. There were proposed methods of optimizing higher medical education in relation to age: a) involving higher education students in real planning activities, implementation, assessment, and adjustment of the learning process; b) giving priority to their independent activities and providing further encouragement; c) taking into account specific life circumstances, problems, and goals of those who study (higher education students, graduate students); d) providing certain freedom of choice when it comes to the studying parameters (freedom of speech, the chance to defend one’s opinion, considering offers); e) involving teachers and university students in joint activity and providing students with the opportunity to apply their skills in practica; f) teachers motivating their students. Special attention is given to the latest achievements in the field of education, the authors’ own views, and ways of improving the approaches to educating university students. It is emphasized that an individualized age-centered approach makes it possible to achieve a new level in the field of education and allows to increase the motivation and willingness of higher education students to actively organize the learning process. In our opinion, it is possible to create optimal conditions for studying only when taking into account the andragogical approach. The described andragogical aspects brought numerous benefits and are widely used in the formation of higher school education principles.


andragogical principles,medical education


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 240-245 pages, index UDK 378-053-047.74:[37.01+159.9]