Litvak Y. V.


About the author:

Litvak Y. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Monosodium glutamate is widely used in the food industry as a supplement to products. However, there is still no evidence base for its benefits or harms. Most experimental studies have proven to disrupt metabolism, which increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity in humans, affecting various organs and systems. However, most studies have been conducted on neonatal rats noting the effects of sodium glutamate on changes in internal organs and metabolic indicators of the body. The pancreas plays an important role in the body of animals and humans, which prompts the research in determining the negative effects of various factors, including monosodium glutamate on mature animals. Purpose of work. To study morphological changes in the exo- and endocrine part of the pancreas of young rats after adding sodium glutamate to the diet. Object and Methods of Study. The study was carried out on 20 white male rats 2.5-3 months of age, with a live weight of (250.0 ± 5.0) g. Ten rats (experiment) were daily supplemented with 70 mg/kg of monosodium glutamate in the diet to enhance taste preferences; 10 rats were included in the control group. The study was performed at week 4 and 8 using histological methods (light and electron microscopy). Analysis of results. The data we obtained indicate the toxic effects of 70 mg/kg of sodium humate on the pancreas. Edema, overgrowth of connective and fatty tissue, inflammatory infiltrates, violation of acini histostructure, death of exocrinocytes by apoptosis or lysis, degenerative changes of membrane organelles in cytoplasm were noted in exocrine part. Pancreatic ducts in pancreatic stroma were enlarged and overfilled with fluid. There were revealed changes in Langerhans islets: presence of small islets with decreased density of alpha- and beta-cells as well as decrease of granules density in cytoplasm. There was noted overgrowth of connective tissue around sinusoids, impaired blood supply. The results of the study showed that sodium glutamate has a toxic effect on the state of the pancreas, both endocrine and exocrine parts.


sodium glutamate,pancreas,histology,rats


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 315-324 pages, index UDK 577.112.384