Liakhovskyi V. I., Nemchenko I. I., Liulka O. M., Horodova-Andreeva T. V., Krasnov O. G., Sydorenko A. V.


About the author:

Liakhovskyi V. I., Nemchenko I. I., Liulka O. M., Horodova-Andreeva T. V., Krasnov O. G., Sydorenko A. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Burnout syndrome is a condition that occurs in staff against the background of chronic stress during the performance of their professional duties. First of all, this applies to those persons who are engaged in highly specialized work. Among them, medics have an increased risk of developing this syndrome, which occurs with long-term exposure to various stressful events. Severe emotional exhaustion is associated with symptoms such as indifference to work, withdrawal from work-related relationships, feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of desire to overcome the condition. Burnout affects the efficiency of the performance of work functions and the general well-being of employees. Employees who are burned out and exhausted have significant health problems, both physically and psychologically. Clinical manifestations of burnout syndrome are diverse, although its diagnosis is quite difficult since it develops during several successive stages. Nowadays, the five-stage model of its clinical course is most often used. These days there is no standardized and generally accepted diagnostic procedure for professional burnout syndrome. For this, test screenings are mostly used, and the most common of them is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The emergence of burnout syndrome among medics during the declared global pandemic of COVID-19 and martial law, which was introduced as a result of Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine, deserves special attention. In these conditions, the psycho-emotional stress of healthcare personnel significantly increases, which is caused by long duties, shorter breaks and higher emotional stress. The reasons for the suffering of healthcare staff can be related to events in their personal lives or bad relationships at work. Therefore, a crucial protective factor for employee well-being in the workplace and throughout life is compassion to others. Treatment of burnout syndrome should be based on an assessment of the severity of the symptoms. With pronounced symptoms of burnout, psychotherapeutic treatment is recommended, and antidepressants can also be used, preferably in combination with psychotherapy. Burnout syndrome still doesn’t have a clear definition and diagnostic criteria but remains an important problem and challenge for public health. Burnout of medics is quite harmful to specialists, medical institutions and patients. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the risks of its occurrence in advance and take preventive measures.


burnout syndrome,medics,work,pandemic,martial law.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 30-35 pages, index UDK 614.25:159.944.4:[616-036.21+342.78]