Gekova M. V.


About the author:

Gekova M. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The work considered the use of the method of evoked potentials in patients with epilepsy. This pathology in children is one of the most widespread diseases of the nervous system and is a significant medical and social problem. Currently, the issue of diagnosis, selection of adequate anticonvulsant therapy and control of treatment effectiveness remains relevant. The main method of diagnosing epilepsy was and remains electroencephalography, which allows to assess the bioelectrical activity of the brain as a whole, to detect focal disturbances and epileptiforms changes. But, recently, the method of evoked potentials has been actively involved. It is indicated that the study of the EP of the brain helps to obtain objective information about the state of various sensory systems, for example, vision, hearing, and not only the peripheral, but also the central parts of the nervous system, to detect damage to specific conducting systems, to assess the excitability of certain areas of the cerebral cortex. Recently, the technical optimization and improvement of the EP method, its absolute safety, made it more accessible among children of different age categories. But a review of literature data indicated that the number of works on the study of EP in children is significantly limited. The article describes the history of the method, its general characteristics, and the classification of various forms of EP. The article presents an analysis of research by numerous authors regarding changes in visual, auditory, and cognitive long-latency EPs in epilepsy. An analysis of studies that indicate changes in various forms of EP in epilepsy, features of latencies and amplitude of EP in symptomatic, idiopathic forms of epilepsy, as well as the effect of anticonvulsant therapy on indicators of EP was carried out. The inconsistency of the presented results draws attention. Most scientists have come to the conclusion that latencies are lengthened and EP amplitude decreases or, on the contrary, increases, which is associated with local hyperactivation of neurons, but there are a number of studies that indicate the absence of changes compared to the control group. Thus, it is necessary to further study the features of EP in the process of diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy in order to predict the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy being carried out.


childhood epilepsy,evoked potentials,visual evoked potentials per flash,auditory long-latency evoked potentials,anticonvulsant therapy.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 23-34 pages, index UDK 616-053.2-616.853.4-6:612.821:611.84-85