Maksуmyuk Н. V., Maksуmyuk V. M., Sedilo H. M., Stadnytska O. I., Pershyn O. I., Vorobets Z. D.


About the author:

Maksуmyuk Н. V., Maksуmyuk V. M., Sedilo H. M., Stadnytska O. I., Pershyn O. I., Vorobets Z. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


It is known that the quantitative and qualitative composition of the uterine-vaginal mucus (UVM) released during the estrous cycle creates optimal environmental conditions in the channels and ducts of the female genital organs, the components of which contribute to the active movement of sperm for their effective meeting with the egg. However, there is practically no information on the peculiarities of the imbalance of the changed parameters of the content, distribution and ratios of the components of the uterine-vaginal mucus under the action of endogenous factors of the harmful effect of inflammatory processes on the body of females, in particular cows. The purpose of the research is to experimentally find out the peculiarities of the imbalance of the parameters of the mass of organic and inorganic components in the biological system of the «environment-substance» type during inflammatory processes of the organs of the genitourinary system. Experimental studies were conducted on the uterine-vaginal mucus of cows during the estrous cycle under conditions of physiological norm and inflammatory processes of the organs of the genitourinary system. The determination of the characteristics of the dynamics of the mass (g, mg, %) of the components of the UVM was carried out by the methods of quantitative (gravimetric) and qualitative chemical analysis. The evaluation of the identified changes was carried out using the Microsoft Excel computer program of the biometric method of analysis of statistical indicators (М±m, Cv, p, lim). Features of changes in the parameters of the mass of the components (H2 O, total content of organic (ОS) and inorganic (IS) substances) of the UVM were carried out by drying in a thermostat at 105o С, after which the indicators were recorded. It was found that the average weight of evaporated H2 O of the control and experimental groups is 20 and 13 g, respectively, and the weight of the components of the obtained dry residue (DR) is 334 and 325 mg. The coefficient of variation of the H2 O (m1 ) and DR (m2 ) mass indicators of both groups of cows is not the same, namely: if the limit (min – max) of their variability for samples of the control group is wide (48–61%), which on average is ±13%, then for the experimental samples it is not only narrow (38–39%), but also 10–22% smaller. If the peculiarities of the distribution of the mass of the components of a biological system of the type «environment (percentage of H2 O of the UVM) – substance (percentage of the sum of the components of the DR)» are analyzed by relative indicators, it turns out that the coefficient of variation of the mass fractions of evaporated H2 O of the control (0.3%) and experimental (5%) ) samples of the UVM does not exceed the limit of 5%, but the sum of the masses of substances of the DR of the samples of the control (16%) group is 2.7 times greater than that of the experimental group (6%). Under such circumstances, the probability of the difference between the mass parameters of H2 O and DR is greater than 99.9%. It was established that one part of the total mass of the components of the DR of the UVM of the control group of cows binds 1.5 times more parts of the H2 O mass than the experimental one. In this regard, it is appropriate to emphasize the following: the high probability (р<0.001) of the harmful effect of endogenous factors on the ability of the components of the DR to bind water is highly dependent on the composition of the OS1 fraction (<2.7 times). The probability of harmful effects of the OS2 fraction (<1.9 times) of the experimental group is slightly lower (р<0.05), but the improbability of changes in the mass parameters of the components of the IS fraction (р<0.05) is expressed by a 1.02 times higher indicator. So, the data obtained by us from the statistical analysis of research results indicate that the minimum (min) and maximum (max) indicators of the coefficient of variation (Cv) of the samples of the control group are 2-4 times greater than those of the experimental group. The obtained data indicate that the synthesized products of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system lead to an imbalance of homeostasis parameters (changes in the ratios) of substances in the «H2 O-components of dry residue» system.


uterine-vaginal mucus,«environment-substance» system,mass parameters of organic and inorganic substances


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 104-113 pages, index UDK 534.05:616-008.842/.848