Shevchenko M. V., Khomenko V. V


About the author:

Shevchenko M. V., Khomenko V. V



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article focuses on risks and challenges in financing the health care system of Ukraine in wartime from the perspective of the concept of «the tragedy of the commons». This problem remains relevant, as the fullscale Russian invasion seriously affected the sustainability of the financing of the Ukrainian health care system. According to experts, today the limited financing of the healthcare sector is concentrated in various directions, which, accordingly, may lead to the depletion of available financial resources. The purpose of this study was to study the possibility of applying the concept of «the tragedy of the commons» from the point of view of the uncontrolled distribution of resources without determining the most important priorities for the Ukrainian health care system during the war, as well as to propose appropriate directions and measures for its avoidance. This study is a study using such research methods as bibliosemantic method, analysis, and synthesis and is focused on the general teaching about the tragedy of the commons. According to the results of the study, it was established that the concept of «the tragedy of the commons» can be applied in the conditions of Ukrainian realities, in particular, concerning the limitation of public goods and the possibility of pursuing one’s own goals by certain categories of the population when making management decisions. It’s shown that the general approaches to avoiding the tragedy of commons, that is, the principles of leadership, definition, and management of the common goods, can be applied to decision-making regarding the financing of the health care system. To level risks and gaps in financing, from the point of view of this concept, it is suggested to pay attention to the identification of priority areas of financing during the war, management of financial flows taking into account the current situation, centralization of the collection and distribution of humanitarian support. Implementation of activities in the specified directions will contribute to ensuring the most effective use of limited financial resources.


Ukraine,tragedy of the commons,healthcare system,war,funding.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 99-103 pages, index UDK 614.2:351.77:355.01(477)