Dychko D., Dychko O., Nekhanevych O., Sheiko V., Klymenko O., Yakovenko V., Dychko V


About the author:

Dychko D., Dychko O., Nekhanevych O., Sheiko V., Klymenko O., Yakovenko V., Dychko V



Type of article:

Scentific article


The cellular adaptive changes in the case of developmental defects of the organism of varying degrees of severity are the basis of the body’s survival in the changing external world. Purpose: the research consisted of study the cellular reactivity of the body of children at the age of 11-14 with scoliosis in comparison with their practically healthy peers, depending on gender. The object and methods of research. The bases for the study were: specialized general sanatorium boarding school № 13 for children with scoliosis in Oleksiievo-Druzhkivka and secondary school № 17 in Sloviansk, Donetsk region. The study was conducted in 19 children at the age of 11–14 with scoliosis (9 boys and 10 girls). As a control group, similar studies were conducted in 24 practically healthy peers (12 boys and 12 girls). Results. The cellular reactivity of the body in practically healthy children at the of 11-14 years has practically no gender differences. In boys with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years, the increased cellular reactivity was found compared to practically healthy ones. Girls with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 compared to practically healthy girls of this age have a higher cellular reactivity of the body according to the hematological indicator of intoxication (according to V.S. Vasyliev). In addition, they develop a tendency to increase the cellular reactivity of the body according to the leukocyte index of intoxication according to B.A. Reis – by 16.15% and according to the intoxication indicator – by 5.80%. So, in girls with scoliosis, the cellular reactivity of the body is formed, which according to most indicators is higher than in practically healthy girls at the age of 11-14. In girls with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years, an increase in cellular reactivity of the body is noted in comparison with boys with scoliosis of this age according to the hematological indicator of intoxication (according to V.S. Vasyliev) by 9.01% and by the indicator of intoxication – by 10.61% . However, it was noted that in boys with scoliosis of this age, the cellular reactivity of the body is higher than in girls with scoliosis according to the leukocytic index of intoxication according to Y.Ya. Kalf-Kalif by 25.0%, and according to the leukocytic index of intoxication according to B.A. Reis – by 3.21%. Conclusions. Thus, the cellular reactivity of the body of children with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 depends on gender and the indicator of cellular reactivity. In girls with scoliosis, the level of cellular reactivity is higher than in boys with scoliosis at this age. In children with scoliosis, the level of cellular reactivity of the body is slightly higher than in practically healthy children. The cellular reactivity of the body of practically healthy children at the age from 11 to 14 years does not depend on gender, as in children with scoliosis at the age of 7-10 years.


children at the age of 11-14 years,scoliosis,cellular reactivity.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 322-325 pages, index UDK 616-092.18:616-099:617.7-053.5