Pastukhova V. A., Pastukhova A. I., Tarnavskyi V. O., Cherkas T. V.


About the author:

Pastukhova V. A., Pastukhova A. I., Tarnavskyi V. O., Cherkas T. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Ice hockey requires extreme physical endurance in conditions of high speed and complex movements, in such conditions, with irrational nutrition, the body accumulates products of incomplete metabolism, as a result of which a number of transformations occur, which negatively affects the athlete’s body and his physical activity. The aim of the work was to identify the most sensitive predictors of the pre-morbid condition in ice hockey players and to evaluate the method of correcting this condition using natural food products produced by cryogenic technology. During this study, an assessment of the adequacy of the nutrition of ice hockey players was carried out. The content of nutrients supplied with food, their ratio and compliance with the recommended norms for this type of sport were determined. The amount of incoming nutrients was determined by the calculation method according to the menu-layouts. The health of the hockey players was assessed based on the data of clinical and biochemical blood tests, which characterize the state of the body’s functional systems caused by nutrition. Donosological indicators of the condition of the heart muscle, the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology, the transport function of blood, and the detoxification capacity of the body were determined.When evaluating the nutrition of hockey players, it was identified that the diet was not balanced in terms of nutritional composition and the distribution of energy value in terms of meals did not meet physiological norms. The introduction of natural concentrated food products into the diet of ice hockey players stimulated metabolic processes and had a positive effect on their health: the cortisol content in the blood decreased by 21.7%, there were positive changes in lipid and mineral metabolism, the level of aspartate aminotransferase, the antioxidant defense system, which created optimal conditions for the athlete’s body during intense loads. Since the influence of an athlete’s diet directly affects his professional results, in the future work there will be relevant studies of indicators of the state of the body of athletes of other types.


ice hockey players,diet,metabolic status,natural food products produced using cryogenic technology,physical activity.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 326-333 pages, index UDK 796.966:613.2