Onashko Yu. M.


About the author:

Onashko Yu. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


This study characterizes the variability of supraorbital (NOO), suborbital (VO) and chin (PBO) openings relative to the craniological points of the facial skull of an adult with sex. The study was performed on 52 skull bone preparations and 60 CT scans of Caucasian males and females. Conventional instruments were used to perform craniometric studies on skull bone preparations. Research on CT images was performed using a virtual anatomical table Anatomage table and DICOM Vidar Dicom Viewer 3.0. We determined: minimum and maximum value; arithmetic mean ( X ), standard deviation (σ), mean error (m).It is established that the average value of the distances from the NOO to the point of observation is more important in men on the right and left(ex: X ± σ = 25.09±6.313 mm; left: X ± σ = 24.65±4.435 mm) than in women (eg: X ± σ = 24.27±4.854 mm; left: X ± σ = 24.09±3.427 mm). The distance from the VOC to the point of observation on the right and left in men(ex: X ± σ = 43.91±3.205 mm; left: X ± σ = 43.66±3.336 mm) also has higher average values than in women (eg: X ± σ = 42.29±2.338 mm; left: X ± σ = 42.78±2.309 mm). It was determined that in men the distance from NOO (NOV) to the point ns on the right is equal to X ± σ = 64.70±5.389 mm; left – X ± σ = 64.51±5.442 mm, in women these figures are slightly lower: on the right the distance from the NOO (NOV) to the point ns is X ± σ = 64.21±5.189 mm; left – X ± σ = 64.20±4.726 mm. When analyzing the average values of distances from VET to the point ns is also characterized by an increase in rates in males on both sides (eg: X ± σ = 32.27±5.048 mm; left: X ± σ = 32.99±7.177 mm) compared to females (eg: X ± σ = 31.15±5.416 mm; left: X ± σ = 31.49±4.926 mm). Similarly, according to our data, the distance from the PBU to the point ns in men on the right and left is more important (eg: X ± σ = 52.60±6.166 mm; left: X ± σ = 52.25±6.559 mm) than in women (eg: X ± σ = 48.12±3.796 mm; left: X ± σ = 48.15±4.037 mm). There is an increase in the values of the distance from the NOO to the frontal-chin point in males (eg: X ± σ = 29.85±3.017 mm; left: X ± σ = 29.43±3.415 mm) and a decrease in females (eg: X ± σ = 27.37±3.568 mm; left: X ± σ = 26.99±3,500 mm). The distance from the VOC to the frontal-chin point in men on the right is X ± σ = 39.40±2.537 mm, in women on the same side X ± σ = 38.32±2.300 mm. But on the left, the average value for males is X ± σ = 39.87±2.913 mm, in women – X ± σ = 38.53±3.570 mm


craniometrics,supraorbital foramen,infraorbital foramen,mental foramen.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 307-315 pages, index UDK 611.716.06:572.76-053.8-055.1/.3