Isakov R. I.


About the author:

Isakov R. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Medicine nowadays is inclining to a more complex and modern point of view, according to which the individual’s well-being in life and the satisfactory state of his health is a reflection of the satisfaction of his needs and adaptation in the physical, psychological and social spheres. Our time is characterized by a constant increase in information loads associated with participation in social processes. This trend is observed all over the world and in Ukraine in particular. Under conditions of mental trauma impact on the personality, there is a simple alternative: either a person remains mentally and somatically healthy due to his own resistance to stress and the presence of effective psychological protection, or a psychogenic pathology occurs. However, there is a convincing evidence that numerous borderline manifestations are possible and do exist between normal and pathological phenomena. Moreover, the same mechanisms operate in psychogenic reactions and reactive states as in “normal” mental life in most cases. In general, the normal range concept in behavioral reactions is very vague. A reaction to a direct stimulus can be considered normal if it is adequate to the intensity of the stimulus in terms of the strength of the response, and its duration is equal to the duration of the psychotrauma. A normal reaction is always motivated and is a sensually adequate response to an experience. The categories of norm and pathology, health and disease are of the utmost importance. The category of norm is used as a basic aspect of comparing the current (actual) and unchanged (usual) state of a person. Deviation from the norm is regarded as a disease – a condition that is not “normal” and “usual”. However, a meaningful, rather than intuitive, definition of the clinical norm is an important methodological problem. The issue of defining disorders of mental activity and attitudes towards them is extremely debatable and socially confrontational. Such relevance requires professionals to form and observe clear canons of activity and a subtle understanding of differential aspects. This is especially true of the definition of the concepts of pathology, illness and disorder in psychiatric practice. The article presents and substantiates the definitions of pathology, disease and disorder.


mental health,mental norm,mental illnesses.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 259-262 pages, index UDK 616.89