Oleksienko V. V., Bilash S. M.


About the author:

Oleksienko V. V., Bilash S. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


This work investigates the effect of a complex of food additives, which include monosodium glutamate, sodium nitrite and Ponceau 4R, on the gums of rats. The study is aimed at identifying morphological and histological changes in the capillary wall. The study was conducted on material from the gums of rats. Ready sections were stained with toluidine blue and polychrome dye. The main research methods were morphometric, histological and static. In the control group, the gums were characterized by the presence of a mucous membrane without a submucosal base. The mucous membrane is fused with its own plate, and its first layer was formed by narrow and tall papillae, which seemed to grow into the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane. The epithelial layer itself is lined with a multi-layered flat nonkeratinized epithelium. The studied vessels, i.e. capillaries, were defined as small-diameter, rounded structures with a very thin wall, which consists of 3 layers: endothelial cells, a basal membrane, and connective tissue pericytes. During the study, characteristic changes in three main indicators were found: the total diameter, the lumen of the channel, and the thickness of the capillary walls. In the 1st week, a slight decrease in the indicators compared to the control group was determined, which increased sharply by the 4th week of the study. Subsequently, the values decreased up to the 16th week, but did not recover to the indicators of the control group. This indicates insufficient action of regenerative processes in capillaries and, accordingly, a strong influence of food additives on the morphology of blood vessels with long-term action. This study shows how the effect of a complex of food additives is more powerful than individual additives. Given the presence of similar additives in most products, this experiment will be of interest to practicing doctors, food industry workers, and other scientists who will conduct research in this direction.


gums,capillaries,epithelium,nutritional supplements,morphology.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 302-306 pages, index UDK 616.311.2:615.241