Ivanytska T. A., Petrov Ye. Ye., Burmak Yu. G., Kuzmenko N. V., Sakevych V. D.


About the author:

Ivanytska T. A., Petrov Ye. Ye., Burmak Yu. G., Kuzmenko N. V., Sakevych V. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Information, which currently acts as a full-fledged weapon, represents methods of informational influence on society through various information channels. The use of inaccurate information by students during independent work can create a false impression of a part of professional knowledge. Media literacy becomes especially important in the age of information warfare. But, despite the significant relevance of this problem in our time, the issue of media literacy among students of higher medical education (especially taking into account their previous education) has not been sufficiently investigated, which led to the conduct of this study. The purpose of the study was to find out the level of media competence and mastery of media literacy skills among students of higher medical education, depending on their previous education, with further comparison of the obtained results. 100 persons with undergraduate degree (I group ) and 105 high school graduates (II group). The results of the research revealed that the vast majority of respondents (more than 80% in both groups) are familiar with the concept of «media literacy», but 69% of the respondents of the 1st group and 67% of the 2nd group did not study the basics of media literacy in high school or did not remember about it. This fact indicates insufficient long-term survival of knowledge in this discipline. Among mass media, the majority of students of higher medical education prefer the global Internet without paying attention to the source of information (79% and 86%, respectively, by group). Only every fifth student gets information from periodicals on the Internet. Only 35% of respondents are interested in the author of the message or article. After the start of a full-scale war, one in three respondents began to trust the media less. When preparing for classes, more than 75% of students use textbooks. Among high school graduates, only 20% use specialized medical databases, in the group with undergraduate degree, this share is below 10%. Almost 40% of high school graduates do not check the reliability of the source of medical information, or believe that medical information cannot be unreliable. Conclusions. The majority of students of higher medical education (regardless of previous education) believe that they have media literacy skills and independently search for the necessary data on the global Internet without noticing the source of information, which may be due to the lack of the ability to verify the authenticity of the message and conscious media search. Taking into account the request to improve the skills of selective perception of information of the student community, teachers of clinical disciplines should pay more attention to the development of critical thinking skills and data analysis coming from various media and orient students of higher medical education in professional information.


media literacy,students of higher medical education,media competence,soft skills


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 255-258 pages, index UDK 378.4/.6.147:61