Avetikov D. S., Lokes K. P., Bilash S. M., Pronina O. M., Steblovskyi D. V.


About the author:

Avetikov D. S., Lokes K. P., Bilash S. M., Pronina O. M., Steblovskyi D. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The using of modern anesthetics allows avoiding a lot of complications during and after anesthesia, but there are still a number of questions that depend on the use of a specific anesthetic. First of all, it is the effect of the anesthetic on the processes of microcirculation in the dental pulp, blood pressure, heart rate, quality and duration of anesthesia. Researches by several authors have shown that not all anesthetics of the amide group meet the requirements given above. One of them, which is successfully used at the modern level, is Ubistesin, the use of which and its effect on the above parameters became the subject of our research.The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in the pulp microcirculation and evaluate the quality of anesthesia of the molars and premolars pulp of the lower jaw after the introduction of a 4% solution of Ubistesin during dental treatment of adolescent children. 30 adolescents (15 boys and 15 girls) aged 14-16 years with a diagnosis of medium and deep caries of molars and premolars of the mandible were included in the study. Preparation of the carious cavity in all patients was performed under mandibular anesthesia to exclude the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves. The technique of pulp rheoplethysmography was used: according to the MP protocol, mandibular molars and premolars were measured before the injection as initial baseline data. Sensitivity was measured by electro-odontography before the injection of Ubistesin, 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 minutes after the injection and after that at 5-minute intervals until the sensitivity of the tooth returned to the initial data with simultaneous measurement of pressure and heart rate. It was found that after the introduction of Ubistesin, the MP in the molars slightly increased from 4.52±0.68 perfusion minutes (PM) before the injection to 4.95±0.37 PM 5 after the injection. In the mandibular first molars of all subjects, no significant changes in microcirculation were recorded during the first 20 minutes after injection (P=0.062). Molar blood flow reached its highest digital value of 8.14±2.27 PM at 40 minutes after injection and decreased to baseline. In premolars, this indicator decreased from 5.16±3.63 PM before injection to 4.06±2.34 PM 10 minutes after injection in each child. Complete pulpal anesthesia was successfully achieved in both mandibular first molars and premolars after Ubistesin administration. At 15- to 35-minute intervals, all patients had complete pulpal anesthesia of both mandibular molars and premolars (mean EPT score = 72). The average time of onset of pulp anesthesia in molars was 7.94±1.86 min. The average duration of pulp anesthesia in molars was 85.92±39.14 min. In premolars, the average time of onset of pulp anesthesia was 8.11±1.56 min., and the average duration of pulp anesthesia was 83.17±42.70 min. It is noteworthy that our study confirmed the minimal effect of Ubistesin injection on changes in blood pressure and heart rate in adolescent children due to the low dose of adrenaline in the solution of this anesthetic. Thus, this technique of anesthesia can be considered safe for anesthesia of the teeth of the lower jaw.


mandibular anesthesia,rheoplethysmography,mandible,microcirculation,Ubistesin.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 334-339 pages, index UDK 616.314.18:615.212-053.2