Lukashevich N. M., Leontiev P. O., Balanovskyi V. V.


About the author:

Lukashevich N. M., Leontiev P. O., Balanovskyi V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The research was conducted on the basis of expert material from the archive of the Kharkiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Department of Forensic Medical Examination of Victims, Accused and Other Persons, which made it possible to draw conclusions about the dependence of aggressive manifestations on the age and gender characteristics of the attacker, as well as the day, month and week. The main goal of the research was to determine and analyze the characteristics of injuries and injuries from the aggressor in the victims and to find out the relationship with the gender of the aggressor. The chronological dependence of seasonality, family connections and relationships, and age characteristics of the victims was studied, which reflects the aggressiveness of the attacker towards the victim. In the process of research, the dependence of the traumatization of various parts of the human body on the age and gender of the attacker was determined. It was found that women are the victims of aggressive actions most often. And the most common injury is head injury, followed by upper limbs. Most of the injured men are aged 21 – 30. The age range of 51 – 60 years is typical for injured women. Victims of physical aggression (PHA) have recorded a number of injuries and damages, such as sores, wounds, bruises, which appeared as a result of the impact of hard blunt objects (TTP), which are characterized by diversity: from things of everyday household use to tools of work and professional activities. The metric characteristics of the body parts of the person affected by the actions of the aggressor, as well as the size of the traumatic objects, significantly affect the morphological characteristics of the received injuries and damages. The phenomena of post-traumatic stress in the victims of the aggressor, emotional excitement were revealed, and the dependence between the nature of the injuries and the gender of the aggressor and his age characteristics was diagnosed. It was determined that injuries caused by a person with an aggressive form of behavior provoke the appearance of stress and somatic diseases. A correct assessment of the consequences of post-traumatic stress allows the psychotherapist and medical psychologist to form an effective program of psychocorrective measures to eliminate the negative consequences of the attacker’s aggressive actions.


gender,post-traumatic stress,blunt objects,trauma,aggressive behavior.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 346-352 pages, index UDK 340.65:340.63:616.89-008.444.9-055.1/.2:616-001.3-06