Hnatjuk M. S., Vadzyuk N. S., Tatarchuk L. V., Monastyrska N. Ja., Konovalenko S. O., Yasinovskyi O. B.


About the author:

Hnatjuk M. S., Vadzyuk N. S., Tatarchuk L. V., Monastyrska N. Ja., Konovalenko S. O., Yasinovskyi O. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Diabetic arthropathies are often encountered in clinical practice. The content of minerals in the bones of the joint changes in diabetic lesions of the joints, which leads to their damage. The purpose of research – study of the mineral composition of the patella in experimental diabetic arthropathy of the knee joint. Methods and Material. The content of macro- and microelements of the patella in diabetic arthropathy of the knee joint of 90 laboratory sexually mature white male rats, which were divided into 3 groups, was investigated by atomic absorption spectral analysis. The 1-st group included 30 intact animals, the 2-nd – 30 rats with one-month diabetic arthropathy of the knee joint, the 3-rd – 30 experimental animals with the two-month indicated pathology. Diabetes mellitus was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin by “Sigma” at a dose of 50 mg/ kg. One month and two months after the start of the experiment, rats were euthanized by bloodletting under thiopental anesthesia. Quantitative indicators were processed statistically. Results and Discussion. Experimental hyperglycemia was accompanied by damage of structures of the knee joint. The content of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium decreased unevenly, and the concentration of sodium increased in the patella of the studied joint in diabetic arthropathy. A decrease of the concentration of the main macroelements led to a violation of the Ca/P ratio, which increased by 6.1% in one-month hyperglycemia, and by 7.7% in two-month hyperglycemia (р<0.01). It has been established that the content of microelements: iron, copper, zinc, manganese, lead, is disproportionately and unevenly reduced in the bone tissue of the patella in diabetic arthropathy of the knee joint. Diabetic arthropathy of the knee joint leads to an uneven, disproportionate decrease of the content of macro- and microelements in the patella, with the predominance of changes in microelements. The most pronounced imbalance between the content of macroelements and microelements was found in twomonth diabetic arthropathy of the knee joint.


knee joint,diabetic arthropathy,patella,macro- and microelements.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (167), 2022 year, 285-290 pages, index UDK 611.724-018.4-02:616.153.455.01] – 092.9