Evtushenko A. S.

Informativness of Cytological Indexes during the Research of Human Functional Condition in the Dynamics of Mental Work and Physical Labor

About the author:

Evtushenko A. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Nowadays, the significant activities complication of the various professional categories of specialists is happening due to growth of load intension and duration of mental, physical and other loads. As a result of this the development of information technologies for evaluation and forecasting of body functional condition (FC) becomes more relevant. The aim of this work is the evaluation of cytological indexes informativness during the research of person’s functional condition in the dynamics of mental work and physical labor. In the research two groups of tested participated. The first group consisted of 25 professional divers, the average age of them was (20,5 ± 1,5) years. All researched indexes were measured before and after the activity under the water at depth of 20 miters. Since divers were involved in physical labor in extreme conditions, the indexes of variability of heart rate and CNS was defined. For the analysis of FC dynamics we have used tension index (TI), heart rate and LF/HF index and also psyche-physiological indexes (the time of simple and sensor motoric reaction, functional mobility of nervous system and critical fusion frequency. The second group of tested consisted of 25 university students, the average age of them was (21,6 ± 2,2) years. Students during 45 minutes took part in visual labor, which laid in finding and crossing out specified letters in the text, printed on paper carrier. The work was carried out in calm tempo (without time trouble), which explains absence of evident indexes of heart rate variability dynamics and psychophysiological indexes. Based on specifics of activities, for the evaluation of changes in FC we have used the indexes of visual system (accommodation reserves, vision near points and convergence), from psychophysiological factors we have used the time of carrying out correction probe, as well as indexes of condition self-evaluation (workability and cenesthesia), which were defined with the help of AWAMSH (Anxiety, Workability, Activity, Mood, State of Health) test. We have taken buccal epithelium samples from divers and students before and after load and defined heterochromatin granules content. The research results processing have been carried out with the use of descriptive statistics, density-free criteria of differentiation and factor analysis. The statistical analysis of average values of researched indexes of divers before and after work under the water shown significant differences only by index of heterochromatin content, which grew as a result of physical load. Among the students significant differences are also shown in herechromatin content. During the comparison of average heterochromatin content at students’ and divers’ groups we have found out significant differences, which can be connected with physical condition of tested. It had been determined, that content of heterochromatin in cells’ nucleus of buccal epithelium significantly grew during physical load and reduced during mental load. This allows us to use this index for the evaluation of functional condition in the dynamics of work The factor structures changes analysis, as a result of mental work and physical labor, has showed the high index of heterochromatin content sensitivity in the cells’ nucleus of buccal epithelium, which allows us to use it as informative index during the development of information technologies for the evaluation of human functional condition.


functional condition, physical labor, mental work, buccal epithelium, heterochromatin


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 97-102 pages, index UDK 61:57. 086;617. 751-057-07