Udod A. A., Sagunova K. I.


About the author:

Udod A. A., Sagunova K. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In modern dentistry there are used high-tech materials which allow you to restore the aesthetic and anatomical and functional parameters of the teeth. Nowadays the majority of restorations are carried out in adhesive technology, and those adhesive systems should provide high quality clutch fotokomposition with hard tooth tissues. The appearance of nano-filled adhesive resulted in a significant improvement of certain properties of the adhesive, in particular leadiny to the increas of the strength of the adhesion of the material to the tooth hard tissue. It should be noted that the degree of polymerization of the used adhesive system depends largely on the quality of fit of the material and strength of adhesion to enamel and dentin , and the violation of fit fotokompositional material that inevitably leads to a variety of complications. The aim of this study is to evaluate the marginal integrity of the nanocomposite in the conditions of the use of different methods of polymerization of the adhesive systems. Materials and methods of reaserch. During the study these have been used 36 remote lateral teeth on the chewing surfaces of which the standard cavity dimensions 4x4x4 mm have been formed. As the adhesive system there has been used nano-filled adhesive Generation V (AdperTMSingle Bond2) and one-component self-etch adhesive VI generation (G-bond). The polymerization has been carried out in adhesives soft-start mode and a luminous flux of high intensity (1300mVT/sm2). The samples have been divided into 4 groups of 9 teeth each. In group I and II there have been used nanoadgeziv with total etching. In group I, it has been polymerized luminous flux LED of fotopolimerizator soft start mode with the increase of intensity exponentially. In II it has been polymerized with direct polymerization, each of the walls, with a high intensity light flux. In group III and VI there have been used the adhesive of VI generation. It has been polymerized soft-start mode with the increase of intensity exponentially in Group III and Group IV it has been used mode direct polymerization in each of the walls. Restoration of the cavities have been carried out by nano-filled composite Filtek supreme XT. The investigation of boundary permeability has been carried out as G. M. Barer (1997) and has been scored. Results and discussions. During the study it has been stated that the permeability of the boundary in the samples of the 1st group, which used adhesive system of the 5th generation have been polymerized by soft-start mode and the results of the boundary permeability, which have been got also significantly (p≤0,05) above – 2. 26±0. 17 points. In the 2nd group wich the nano-filled adhesive system of the 5th generation has been used and it has been polymerized at directed polymerization in each of the walls of high intensity that was 1. 90±0. 12 points. The 3rd group in the samples used adhesive system of 6th generation with the polymerization soft start mode, boundary permeability was significantly (p≤0,05) above – 2. 73±0. 19 points. In the 4th group of samples there has been used adhesive of the 6th generation and it has been polymerized by the directed polymerization mode – the boundary permeability was significantly (p≤0,05) above – 2. 03±0. 10 points. Thus, from the results of the laboratory study it can be said that the use of nano-filled adhesive system directed mode of polymerization of each of the walls, provides a lower boundary permeability and creates conditions for restoration quality with a minimum of morbidity and maximum durability.


nanocomposite, adhesive systems, polymerization, boundary permeability


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 190-192 pages, index UDK 616. 314 – 74 + 615. 832. 3 + 535. 3