Khoruzha R., Khoruzhy M., Kalinovsky D.


About the author:

Khoruzha R., Khoruzhy M., Kalinovsky D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In the article present information about possibility of the use of the patented author composition at medical treatment of alveolitis, attended with pain of different intensity on a background a developing inflammatory reaction in the indicated area and by destruction of bone structures. In all 33 patients were treated with diagnosed alveolitis in age from 23 till 57 years. 18(54, 5%) patients made a basic group, 15(45, 6%) – control group. There were not differences in an amount men and women. Efficiency of curative measures was estimated by comparison clinical and X – ray criteria in both groups. A clinical criterion consisted in fixing of the nearest after a removal complications (presence or absence of pain syndrome, hyperemia and appearance of edema in area of locus morbi), X – ray – in 6-12 months (renewal of bone structures of the damaged small hole). For 18 patients of basic group at local therapy used authorial medicinal composition basis on calcium hydroxyl-apatite synthesized – the bioinert filler of defect of small hole, appearing as a result of difficult removal tooth, halting resorption of bone tissues, stimulated of bone remodeling. In the complement of composition also entered: Contrycal (Aprotininum), Etidronic acid, Dimedrolum, and Poly-oxidonium. Etidronic acid inhibited bone resorption, warns the loss of calcium bone tissues, operates as mildly anti-inflammatory preparation. Dimedrolum is antihistaminic preparation, brakes realization of nervous impulse in vegetative neuroganglions, possesses anti-inflammatory properties, diminishes permeability of capillaries, and operates as antiallergic and local anesthesia preparation. Contrycal is an inhibitor of proteolysis, polyvalent inhibi-tor of proteases. Polyoxidonium – иммуномодулятор, possessing the expressed detoxication activity, promotes firmness of cellular membranes to cytotoxic influence of medicinal preparations and chemicals, diminishing their toxicness, non-allergenic. To mixture from the above-stated preparations before bringing in a small hole added gel of «Сholisal » of firm Jelfa. Feeling of burning in the moment of contiguity of «Сholisal» with the processed surface quickly disappears in connection with the offensive of the protracted местноанестезирующего effect lasting, in obedience to instruc-tion, 6-8 hours due to gel ethanol containing of adhesive basis. Authorial medicinal composition jointly with gel «Сholisal» was mortgaged in the small hole of remote tooth after the explorer anaesthetizing, irrigation solution of antiseptic and curettage of small hole of remote tooth. Data of clinical and X-ray studies show efficiency of application of authorial medicinal composition by comparison to the use of iodoform gauze. Basis of the recommended paste is a synthesized calcium hydroxylapatite synthesized (HA), thatallows quickly, practically from the moment of causing, to anaesthetize locus morbi, stop inflammation and valuably obturate the small hole damaged during a tooth extraction, valuably recreating the blasted tissues and providing a high medical effect.


alveolitis, destruction of bone structures, medical composition


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 203-207 pages, index UDK 616. 716. 85-002-085:[615. 276+615. 326:546. 185’41]