Zhdan V. М., Golovanova І. А., Lysak V. P., Ksyonz І. V.

Guidelines for Implementation of the Program: “Health 2020: Ukrainian Dimension” in Poltava Region

About the author:

Zhdan V. М., Golovanova І. А., Lysak V. P., Ksyonz І. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The analysis conserning implementation of the program: “Health 2020: Ukrainian Dimension” has been carried out in Poltava region. In the framework of implementation of the “Health 2020: Ukrainian Dimension” program in Poltava region the reforms in the field of health protection have been performed. Nowadays in Poltava region one of the stages of structural reorganization has been finished, i. e., organization of legally independent Centers of Primary Health Care. Overall provision with outpatient clinics per 10 thousand rural population in Poltava region is 4,1 (normal rate constitutes 3,3), and 1,0 (normal rate constitutes 1,0) for urban residents. The Program lays the stress on the importance to increase the quality of stuffing and level of professional training of the personnel as for prevention and early detection of diseases, diagnostics and treatment. Staffing with physician’s positions in the Centers of Primary Health Care is 71% in Poltava region. In compliance with perspective plan of training and retraining of physicians, employed in the region, on the specialty “general prac- tice – family medicine” on the period to 2015, regional physicians of the primary health care are being educated at the specialization courses, refresher courses and institutes of advanced medical studies. The program stresses on the conducting of state-of-the-art innovative scientific researches with mandatory development of effective system of implementation into system of health protection. In February, 2013 the joint enlarged board of Department of Public Health, Academic Council of HSEEU “UMSA” and Chief Directorate of Sanitary-Hygienic Service of Ukraine in Poltava region was conducted, involving the Head of the Regional Administration and all Heads of District State Administrations. The Program recommends develop- ing strategies related to formation in population conscious and commitment attitude to their own health and person- al security. Regional medical personnel in association with local bodies of cities and districts is constantly informing citizens about activities, carrying out in the field of health protection, particularly, the New European Policy “Health 2020” orients the countries of the WHO European region to the concrete activities in response of new challenges and threats for public health by means of development and implementation of flexible innovative policy which pro- vides with reduction of system risks of non-infectious disease and improvement of population’s health. During the meetings conducted at the Department of Health Protection of the region with the participation of regional HEIs’ experts and secondary hospital administration boards, the issues of resource provision and perspective develop- ment of subordinate medical facilities have been discussed. Auditing of the state of provision with secondary (spe- cialized) and tertiary (expert) medical aid, inventory of expensive equipment of facilities, providing with secondary (specialized) and tertiary (expert) medical aid has been made. Each secondary medical facility has prepared per- spective plans of development, which were sent to Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. Thus, in Poltava region the main guidelines of the Program: “Health 2020: Ukrainian Dimension” are implementing.


health, reformation, staffing, labor motivation


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  • Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України Про схвалення Концепції Загальнодержавної програми «Здоров’я 2020: український вимір», Концепція від 31. 10. 2011 № 1164. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://zakon1. rada. gov. ua/laws/show/1164-2011-%D1%80.
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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 21-24 pages, index UDK 614. 1 (477)