Gavenko V. L., Leshchina I. V., Mozgovaya T. P.

Early Diagnosis as a Factor in the Prevention of Non-Psychotic Mental Disorders in Young People

About the author:

Gavenko V. L., Leshchina I. V., Mozgovaya T. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The results of complex clinical-anamnestic, clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic in- spection of 832 students of the Kharkov national medical university were analyzed. The non-psychotic mental disor- ders were diagnosed in a 251 students (30,17%). The structure of mental pathology was presented neurotic stress- related and somatoform disorders, at a lower value of affective, organic and behavioral disturbances. Analysis of clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic features of non-psychotic mental disorders of students allowed to select the markers of psychoprevention and psychocorrection. General and specific markers of receptivity-re- sistance of origin non-psychotic mental disorders at medical students were determined. Stability (reproducibility of measurements), usefulness of row psychodiagnostical methods and their indexes for the realization of mass examinations of student young people were demonstrated, which are the markers-targets of psychoprevention and psychcorrection influence. Early diagnosis of non-psychotic mental disorders medical students had a goal of identifying mental pathology and definition risk groups forming non-psychotic mental disorders among students, which performed stage-by- stage in two steps with using the screening, which consists of general and specific markers of receptivity-resistance in decreasing order of their degree of significance. The first step is aimed to identify common for men and women markers of receptivity-resistance non-psychotic mental disorders during the mass screening of medical students for verification unrecognized cases of mental pathology and formation of risk groups. The second step is aimed to identify of specific markers of receptivity-resistance for clarify the risk formation of non-psychotic mental disorders and used as mass screening and at individual psychiatric examination. Assessment risk of development the non- psychotic mental disorders of students was carried out using Wald’s sequential analysis (modification E. V. Gubler). Sum of identified diagnostic coefficients (Σ ) greater than 13 units is testified about the considerable risk formation of non-psychotic mental disorders. The system of prevention non-psychotic mental disorders at students was developed, which consists of early diagnostics (screening for mass examinations) and complex psychoprevention measures (stage-by-stage selec- tion of risk groups, potentiation of markers- resistance, identify markers-targets of psychoprevention and psych- correction influence).


non-psychotic mental disorders, diagnostics, markers of receptivity-resistance, psychoprevention, medical students.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 59-63 pages, index UDK 616. 85 – 057. 87 – 084 – 07