Yachmin A. I., Yeroshenko G. A., Bilash S. M., Shevchenko K. V., Lisachenko O. D., Vatsenko A. V., Perederii N. A.


About the author:

Yachmin A. I., Yeroshenko G. A., Bilash S. M., Shevchenko K. V., Lisachenko O. D., Vatsenko A. V., Perederii N. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Nitrates, being typical xenobiotics, are involved by human and animal microflora in metabolic processes, during which they are reduced first to nitrite and then to ammonium cation, through the formation of a number of intermediates. Nitrates and nitrites (NOS) in chronic intake in large quantities lead to the formation of methemoglobin, which may result in the development of chronic alimentary nitrate-nitrite methemoglobinemia. Thus, the main site of formation of reactive compounds is the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) – the central organ of certain aspects of chemical biology and physiology of these compounds. Ponceau 4R (E 124) (synonyms: Acid Red 18, New Coccine) is a sulfonated monoazo dye comprising predominantly trisodium 2-hydroxy-1- (4-sulfonate-1-naphthylazo) naphthalene-6,8-disulfonate (chemical formula C20H11N2Na3O10S3, CAS number 2611-82-7, molecular weight 604.48). Ponceau 4R is made by combining diazotized naphthionic acid with acid G (2-naphthol-6,8-disulfonic acid) and converting the coupling product into the trisodium salt and is available as a water-soluble red powder or granules. Currently, Ponceau 4R is authorized as a food additive in the European Union (EU) in accordance with Annex II and Annex III to Regulation (EC) №1333 / 2008 «On food additives and specific purity criteria», as defined in Commission Regulation (EU) №231 / 2012.5. The maximum permitted levels of use for Ponceau 4R are given for 26 food categories (range 1-200 mg/kg). The European Food Safety Authority has also decided to reduce the allowable daily allowance for the dye E124 (bright red 4R) from 4 mg/kg to 0.7 mg/kg of body weight per day. However, it is necessary to develop a reliable and rapid analytical method for monitoring Ponceau 4R due to the threat of its potentially harmful risk. The purpose of the study was to establish the biological effects of sodium nitrite and Ponceau 4R on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Analyzing the literature data on the harmful effects of sodium nitrite on the gastrointestinal tract, we can identify the following factors: decreased activity of BBM enzymes and total ATPase reduces the absorption of nutrients, especially sugars and amino acids, by epithelial cells of the small intestine. This reduces the stock of the main building blocks of the body, which, in turn, greatly complicates energy production. Changes in the activity of carbohydrate metabolism enzymes affect the utilization of glucose by enterocytes and disrupt gluconeogenesis in the intestine, which plays a key role in energy homeostasis. Decreased antioxidant capacity of enterocytes due to disruption of its enzymatic and non-enzymatic components increases susceptibility to oxidative action. DNA damage of various natures can cause genotoxic and / or mutagenic effects, which can lead to cancer. Synthetic dyes, in particular Ponceau 4R, are hazardous to both animal and human health when consumed in large quantities or over a long period of time.


sodium nitrite, Ponceau 4R, organs of the gastrointestinal tract.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (163), 2022 year, 75-80 pages, index UDK 616.33/.34:615.24