About the author:
Kuzmenko Y. Y., Malikov A. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The vascular system is one of the most characteristc derivatves of the mesenchyme. It is possible that the endothelium of the vessels originates from a special vascular rudiment − an angioblast, the cells of which are admixed with the mesenchyme. The frst vessels appear in the mesenchyme of the extra-germinal parts − the yolk sac, while in primates and humans also the chorion. Later, the vessels appear in the very body of the embryo. Earlier, other vessels in the body of the embryo form the heart, the aorta and the large veins. The heart begins to function extremely early, even when it is in the neck of the embryo. Later, in parallel with the processes of its formation, it moves from the neck area downwards, into the thoracic cavity. As for the heart itself, the most intensive changes occur in it in the first months of life, they are associated with new circulatory conditions and new demands placed on the heart. Comparing the vessels of the heart with the equilateral blood vessels of other organs, in particular the brain, there is a characteristic feature − a sharp thickening of the intima in the pubertal period. It is believed that the structural features of the circulatory system of the heart are one of the factors that can explain the greatest incidence of coronary artery disease by sclerosing and thrombosis. Thus, the blood supply of the heart has a number of differences from the blood supply of other organs. The basis of this fact is that the equal-caliber vessels of other parts of the body have a different micro-scopic and architectonic structure. Knowledge of the features of the structure and functions of the cardiovascular system in embryogenesis plays an important role in resolving a wide range of clinical situations. Data of the anatomy of the heart and blood vessels during the intrauterine period of development equips clinicians to fight diseases of this period and developmental anomalies. It is in the embryonic period of development, when the embryo is particularly susceptible to the effects of pathogenic factors of the environment, that signs characterizing the individual morphological and physiological characteristics of the organism, its resistance to diseases, etc., are formed to varying degrees. Thus, it is necessary not just to study embryogenesis data of the cardiovascular system, but to compare them in dynamics. This gives the key to understanding the physiology and morphology of these organs in different age periods, as well as the ways of spreading many pathological processes.
heart, blood vessels, blood, embryo, yolk sac, endothelium tube, gill arches.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 17-23 pages, index UDK 611.1 : 572.7: 618.29: 616-053.31