About the author:
Nefedova O., Zadesenets I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The main cause of mortality in Ukraine remains cardiovascular disease. The results of numerous studies confirm that one of the etiopathogenetic causes of this situation may be the impact of environmental factors. Among the technogenic pollutants, heavy metals, especially cadmium, lead and mercury, are seriously hazard Cd is toxic at very low levels and has acute and chronic effects on health. Cd has a long biological half-life in humans – for 17-30 years. The spectrum of toxic effects of cadmium is quite wide and depends on the exposure. The main ways of getng cadmium into the human body are inhalaton and oral. Cigarete smoke is also a signifcant source of getng this metal to the body. The content of cadmium in the blood of smokers is 2-3 tmes higher than that of non-smokers. Accumulaton of cadmium compounds in tssues of different organs has signifcant differences and depends on the type of compound, dose and duraton of exposure. The influence of cadmium on the cardiovascular system is highlighted in many studies. The cardiovascular system is indicated as a new target for toxic cadmium effects. In epidemiological studies, a relatonship was established between mortality from cardiovascular disease and low-dose cadmium intoxicaton. Elevated levels of cadmium in the body are associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, myocardial infarcton, cerebrovascular pathology. A group of Chinese scientsts has suggested that the effects of cadmium and arsenic during pregnancy in women can be a signifcant risk factor for congenital heart defects in the offspring. Cadmium intoxicaton is associated with an increased risk of developing heart rhythm disorders in children. The combined effect of X-rays, cadmium and lead salts causes an increase in the vascular index in the arteries of the heart, as well as thickening of the walls of the aorta, which indicates the development of arterial sclerosis. In conditons of the cadmium intoxicaton, this process accelerates mainly in vessels of small caliber. Data on the effects of various forms of cadmium on morphological changes in the heart in the prenatal ontogenesis are fragmented and illuminated, requiring a more detailed study. The purpose of the study is to analyze scientfc literature data concerning morphogenetc changes in the heart in prenatal ontogenesis under the influence of cadmium compounds. The influence of cadmium in prenatal ontogenesis has a teratogenic character. Studies have also shown a growing correlaton between maternal Cd exposure and limited fetal growth. Heavy metals have a signifcant negatve impact on the cardiovascular system of a human, worsen the course of cardiovascular disease. The heart and vessels are target organs of cadmium intoxicaton. Cadmium intoxicaton during pregnancy may be associated with congenital malformatons of the heart and blood vessels. The queston of the influence of cadmium compounds on the embryogenesis of the heart is practcally not elucidated. In connecton with the above-mentoned study of the effects of cadmium compounds on the development of the heart in the prenatal period is relevant.
cadmium, heavy metals, embryogenesis, heart, experiment
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 31-35 pages, index UDK 611.12/13-053.13:616-007.7-092.9:669.018.674