About the author:
Kratenko R. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The paper represents the results of crown-ethers general toxicity investigation in terms of their influence upon warm-blooded animals organism at conditions of acute and sub-acute experiments. The investigation encompassed the establishment of average-lethal doses and cumulation coefficients of the experimental compounds, their skin-resorbtive action, as well as, the animals body mass dynamics, general state of their organism, and macro-and microscopic survey of internal organs at the influence of 12-crown-4, 15-crown-5, 18- crown-6, 21-crown-7. In case of their acute per oral delivery in warm-blooded animals organism, crown-ethers are able to disturb hemodynamics, generally, in brain, liver, kidney, spleen, and heart resulting in parenchimatous distrofy of these organs. On the base of toxicity parameters, the investigated substances belong to moderately toxic (3d class of danger) extremely cumulative substances. The most toxic is 12-crown-4. All the investigated crown-ethers had moderate skin-resorbtive action, which was verified by the increase in biochemiluminiscence magnitudes, contents of free sulfhydrylic groups, activities of blood serum catalase, choline esterase, ceruloplasmin, as well as, by the decrease in erythrocytes quantity and hemoglobin contents in guinea-pigs blood. Crown-ethers of all the investigated brands reduced up growth of rats body mass, excretive function of the liver, blood contents of erythrocytes, general leukocytes, which resulted in the development of hypochromic anemia in the organism of experimental animals. Comparison of histological investigation results showed brain, kidney, adrenal gland, and liver of experimental animals to be the most susceptible to the action of crown-ethers.
crown-ethers, toxicity parameters, skin-resorbtive action, hypochromic anemia, histological investigations
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 55-61 pages, index UDK 57.017.053:615.91