About the author:
Orlova L. D., Vlasenko N. A., Zhuk M. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The study of the species compositon of the floral flora of meadow phytocoenosis in the vicinity of the village Vesela Dolina of Globyno District of Poltava Region. Such an elucidaton of the taxonomic structure of the meadow flora makes it possible in the future to not only ratonally use the onion vegetaton, but also to beter understand the processes occurring in the phyto-environment, to maintain them at the proper level and improve. It has been established that the flora of studied grassland has 68 species, which belong to 64 genera and 27 families. Among the detected angiosperms, dicotyledonous species predominate over monocotyledons. Percentage of representatves of dicotyledons was 88.3%, and monocots – 11.7%. The bulk of the floristc compositon of the investgated meadow grasslands is occupied by the leading by number of genera and species of the family, which determine the nature of the flora of the region. The frst place in the spectrum of families of flora belongs to the family Asteraceae (23.4%). The following other leading families of flora include: Fabaceae and Poaceae (9.3%), Rosaceae and Lamiaceae (7.8%), Caryophyllaceae (4.6%), Brassicaceae, Ranunculaceae and Boraginaceae (3.1%), Butomaceae, Polygonaceae, Juncaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Plantaginaceae, Urtcaceae and others (1,6%). The frst 5 leading families comprise 60.2% of the total number of species. The seventh place was occupied by representatves of the family Brassicaceae, which is an indicator of a signifcant rerralizaton of the territory. This suggests a clear degradaton and synantropy of meadow grass, which is manifested in reducing the partcipaton of the cereal component and the predominance of species from the grass group and is a consequence of the violaton of the operaton of meadow phytocoenoses. The calculated average index of species richness for one family of meadow flora is 2.5. Comparison of the spectrum of the leading families of the flora of the study area with the meadow flora of the Lef Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine, the flora of the Poltava region, the Middle Dnieper, the Lef Bank Dnieper, it can be argued that it is characteristc of the flora of the forest-steppe zone, and also reflects its tes with boreal flora and the flora of the Mediterranean. The largest species richness is distnguished by Melilotus, Trifolium, Artemisia, Potentlla, and the rest of the genera is 1 species. An analysis of the generic spectrum showed that in the meadow flora of monotypic genera 93.75% of the total and cover 88.24% of the species. According to calculatons for one genus there are 1,06 species. Consequently, the systematc structure of the flora of Vesela Dolina of Globyno District of Poltava Region reflects the typical flora of the Lef Bank Dnieper and Poltava regions in partcular. The spectrum of the leading families of the territory as a whole is similar to the flora of Ukraine and is related to the locaton of the region between the forest-steppe and steppe zones.
floristc compositon, meadow grasslands, Poltava region
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 61-65 pages, index UDK 581.526.45(477.53)