About the author:
Rashkivska І., Prodanchuk М., Kornuta N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Synthetic pyrethroids (SP) are insecticides used in agriculture and everyday life. SP relates to compounds target the nervous system of insect pests. Due to similarity in neurochemical processes, these compounds can also be neurotoxic to animals and humans. According to recent epidemiological observations increasingly appear the information regarding neurotoxic effects in children whose mothers have been exposed by SP during pregnancy. Taking into account these data, it can be predicted that pyrethroid insecticides can enter the body of newborns by crossing the transplacental barrier. Because of the crossing the transplacental barrier, these compounds may influence the developmental nervous system of the fetus during the prenatal period and further provoke neurological disorders in postnatal life. Pyrethroid insecticides are represented by different types of compounds. Zeta-cypermethrin is one of them. Nowaday in the scientific data there is insufficient information regarding neurotoxic effects of zetacypermethrin, especially the manifestation of its neurotoxic effects in the postnatal period. Our study was conducted on Wistar Hannover male and female rats, which were exposed orally by zeta-cypermethrin at doses 5; 12.5; 35; 70 mg/kg bw in the pre- and postnatal period. Investigation of pups behavioral reactions were conducted on the 13, 17, 21 and 60 postnatal day (PND) using “open field” test, introduced by Hall. The “open field” test is the most common in toxicologycal studies for investigating behavioral reactions of rodents in an unfamiliar environment. The obtained results show that the effect of zeta-cypermethrin on male and female rats in the pre- and postnatal period is dose-dependent and characterized by sexual sensitivity. Treatment by zeta-cypermethrin at doses 5 mg/kg and 12.5 mg/kg did not provoke symptoms of intoxication and did not induce changes in the behavioral reactions of pups rats during postnatal period (13, 17, 21 and 60 PND). Treatment by zeta-cypermethrin at dose 70 mg/kg produce disbalance of psycho-emotional state, reduced of motor and exploratory activity and adaptive abilities of both sexes offsprings during their testing in the “open field” іn lactation period (13, 17, 21 PND). Treatment by zeta-cypermethrin at dose 35 mg/kg produce an increase anxiety behavior of males pups only during the lactation period (17 and 21 PND). After a period of no exposure with zeta-cypermethrin from 21 to 60 PND) the recovery of behavioral reactions is observed of male and female pups.
synthetic pyrethroids, zeta-сypermethrin, prenatal period, postnatal period, behavioral reactions
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 65-72 pages, index UDK 615.919:632.95:616.8