About the author:
Burdеinyi S. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The metabolic theory considers myopia from the point of view of the classical case of the predominance of accommodaton over the outlow of the intraocular fluid. The uveoscleral path in the eye, which accommodates, overlaps, disturbing the trophic of the posterior part of the sclera, which, combined with its external compression, leads to an increase in the axial size of the eye. In the future, the progression of myopia occurs with allowance for the irreversible deformaton of the posterior part of the sclera. Myopia is a multfactorial disease, one of the important factors of its development is a violaton of the hydrodynamics of the eye, which is caused by hereditary causes or acquired risk factors. The purpose of our study was to study the features of eye hydrodynamics in children with progressive myopia, depending on their age and the rate of progression of myopia. Under supervision were 127 children (254 eyes) with myopia at the age of 7 to 16 years in whom the hydrodynamics of the eye was studied depending on the age of the child and the rate of progression of the myopic process. The control group consisted of 22 somatcally healthy emmetropes (44 eyes) of the same age. All patents with myopia received standard general stmulatng treatment for myopia for 2 years or more (phosphine stmulaton, photostmulaton, collar zone massage, acupuncture, multvitamins, calcium preparatons, physical exercises to strengthen the tone of ciliary muscles and improve blood flow to the eye), treatment courses were held regularly, 2 tmes a year. The data obtained during the inital examinaton (before the treatment) and at the end of the observaton (afer the treatment) were analyzed. In each age group, the patents were divided into subgroups according to the annual gradient of the progression of the myopic process: with slow progression of myopia (an increase in the spherical equivalent of less than 1.0 D per year) and rapid progression of the process (a spherical equivalent increase of 1.0 D and more per year). In the study of eye hydrodynamics in healthy children, there was no age-related dynamics of tonographic indices, the mean true intraocular pressure (P0) was 12.29 ± 0.30 mm Hg. With progressive myopia, there is an increase in P0 to 14.27 ± 0.23 mm Hg. These changes are more pronounced in the group with rapidly progressing myopia and the degree of these changes increases with the age of the child – in the elderly group P0 increased by 30.9% relatve to the control group. The most informatve indices of disturbance of eye hydrodynamics in the course of myopia progression are P0 and Becker coefcient. When conductng correlaton-regression analysis, a very high direct relatonship was established between the annual gradient of myopia progression and the Becker coefcient (r = 0.94, p = 0.011706) and a high direct relatonship between the annual gradient of myopia progression and the true intraocular pressure value (P0) (r = 0.887, p = 0.031275).
myopia, annual gradient of progression, intraocular pressure, hydrodynamic parameters
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 94-99 pages, index UDK 617.753.2-036.17 : 612.844.4]-053.2