About the author:
Vernigorodsky V., Fetisova N., Vernigorodska M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Hypothyroidism is an urgent medical and social problem of society and the main cause of the disability of a large number of patients among endocrine diseases. An important factor influencing the duration and quality of life in hypothyroidism is the organization of medical care and systemic rehabilitation of patients. According to various authors, expert-rehabilitation diagnostics includes such tasks: clinical-functional diagnostics, assessment of rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation forecast. Rehabilitation potential of a chronic patient is a set of preserved functions and personal characteristics of a person. Preservation of biological resources and there is potential for compensation of the consequences of the disease. As part of our study, we studied the possibility of assessing the adaptive capacity of the circulatory system in predicting the clinical course of the disease and the possibilities of medical rehabilitation. Adaptation potential (AP) – the ability to adapt to the current factor without disturbing the myocardialhemodynamic equilibrium. AP has four levels: 1. Satisfactory adaptation (AP I) is determined by equilibrium of processes; 2. The state of the voltage of adaptation processes (AP II) is associated with an increase in SN and an increase in the RF; 3. The state of the voltage of the adaptation mechanisms (AP III) is characterized by the growth of the CH regulatory systems, but with the decrease of FR; 4. Failure of adaptation (AP IV) – Reduction of the RF system as a result of a significant decrease in FR and depletion of regulatory systems. The basis of the RP is the clinical prognosis – a comprehensive analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters. The survey involved 64 patients aged 18 to 55 years. The patients were divided into two groups: 32 patients with postoperative hypothyroidism and 32 patients with idiopathic hypothyroidism. The duration of the observation was three years (2009-2011). All patients underwent a comprehensive examination and assessment of the condition in the Institute of Invalids` Rehabitalitaton of VNMU named after M.I. Pirogov. In parallel with the study of AP, the degree of compensation for hypothyroidism was estimated using conventional clinical and laboratory compensation criteria (TTG, T3, T4, lipid metabolism). In addition, both groups of patients were divided into three groups: with an uncomplicated flow of hypothyroidism and duration of the disease not more than 5 years, the second and third groups included patients with obvious complications of hypothyroidism and longer duration of the disease (in 2 groups – 10-15 years, in Group 3 – more than 15 years). During the medical and social rehabilitation also determined the rehabilitation potential: high, moderate, low, absent. Medical rehabilitation for hypothyroidism is a leading component of rehabilitation measures and significantly influences the rehabilitation outlook. Adaptation potential can be used as a quantitative component of the rehabilitation forecast and taken into account when conducting medical and social expertise. Medical rehabilitation for hypothyroidism is a leading component of rehabilitation measures and significantly influences the rehabilitation outlook.
rehabilitation potential, rehabilitation forecast, hypothyroidism
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 100-103 pages, index UDK 616.441-008.64-036.868