About the author:
Kryzhna S. I., Kievska Yu. A., Kozar V. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The problem of improving the quality of treatment and preventon of inflammatory diseases of the mucous nose membrane – rhinits is one of the most important in the pharmacy. Therefore, studying the mechanisms of local nasal mucus immunity, which are primarily included in the protecton of the body from various nasal antgenic influences, will not only more fully reflect the pathogenesis of diseases, but also develop ratonal methods of therapy and preventon. Thus, the research of the domestc nasal preparaton on the basis of biologically actve substances of vegetable origin in the optmum form – gel was conducted. It was created in the pharmaceutcal university – the compositon and the technology of a complex gel of local acton for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, in partcular rhinits, called “Imbirol” containing a complex of essental oils (ginger, musk, mallard, and tea tree). The research was carried out on the model of acute inflammaton of the nasal cavity caused by sodium hydroxide and S. aureus for 14 days. Experimental groups treated for 14 days in a row with the gel and the product of comparison with “Pinosol”. With the help of biochemical methods of analysis in the intranasal washings fluid (lysozyme, phagocytc actvity of neutrophils, neutrophil metabolism actvity (NST), phagocytc index and phagocytc number), indicators that generally characterize the balance of immunological parameters were determined. It has been proved that the modeling of bacterial rhinits in rats signifcantly led to a violaton of the state of cellular and humoral immunity both at the local level (in the intranasal washout) by reducing the concentraton of lysozyme by 28.3% and at the general level of the indicators of phagocytc and metabolic actvity of neutrophils: НСT 72.3%, FI by 24.2%, FF by 31.8% of rats for 14 days of experiment. The results of the study of lysozyme concentraton in the intranasal washings fluid showed that in rats with experimental bacterial rhinits without treatment, secreton of lysozyme in comparison with intact animals is decreased. In the applying of gel «Imbirol» and the comparator «Pinosol», there was a reliability increasing the concentraton of lysozyme up to almost the values of intact control. It is indicated that an inflammaton is decreased and there restoraton of the functon of the mucous membrane is observed, and the secreton of lysozyme is normalized. The introducton of «Imbirol» and the comparator «Pinosol» contributed to the reducton of manifestatons of inflammaton and normalizaton of metabolic and functonal actvity of phagocytes. Efciency of the new gel «Imbirol» has a more positve dynamics of recovery of indicators of the excited immunological defense system at the local and general level in the development of experimental bacterial rhinits and does not signifcantly differ from the indexes of the reference product «Pinosol». Thus, in the pathogenesis of bacterial rhinitis, the violation of the immunological defense system is established at the local level. Application of powerful universal treatment with gel “Imbirol” in experimental rhinitis contributes to the normalization of immunological immune system parameters.
rhinitis, immunology, mucous membrane, gel
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 137-141 pages, index UDK 616.24-002-036.11-092:612.015.11