About the author:
Mischenko І. V., Kokovska O. V., Mischenko S. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The relatonships between the microcirclatory hemostasis and antoxidant defense system have been evaluated considering venous blood examinaton which reflected the integratve changes that have already occurred in it without regard to certain source. According to our previous studies, each organ can “contribute” to this complex of reactons in the process of its functoning. The indicators of hemostasis system and antoxidant defense may also differ in various vessels of the circulatory system. Our research was aimed to solve this defnite problem. The aim of the study. Investgaton of the antoxidant and ant-aggregaton propertes in various circulatory vessels, namely, aorta, coronary arteries, brain vessels and gastric mucosa of rats has been carried out in the research. Object and methods of research. The study included 20 white Wistar rats weightng 180-210 g, which were euthanized with hexenal overdose. The brain vessels (middle cerebral artery), cardiac vessels (coronary arteries), aorta (segment of thoracic aorta), gastric mucosa (which accounts to 70% of the blood supply of this organ) were separated. The superoxide dismutase actvity and the aggregaton angle were studied as well as the value of plasma optcal density while adding appropriate tssues to it. The data obtained were recorded in relatve values (percentage relatve to aggregaton indices of substrate plasma). Results and discussion. According to data obtained it was determined that the vessels of all regions reduced the thrombocyte aggregaton in substrate plasma, which was evidenced by the decrease in the aggregaton angle and reducton of plasma optcal density. The highest percent of thrombocyte aggregaton decrease in both according to aggregaton angle (by 65.42 ± 4.42%) and plasma optcal density (by 74.18 ± 4.86%) was characteristc of aorta. It presented the highest superoxide dismutase actvity (1.95 ± 0.09 units). Cardiac vessels ranked second according to mentoned indices. The ant-aggregaton and antoxidant propertes (superoxide dismutase 1.16 ± 0.06 units, the decrease in aggregaton angle by 12.00 ± 1.82% and optcal density by 22.00 ± 2.11%) were determined the lowest in gastric mucosa. Conclusions. The antoxidant and ant-aggregaton relatonships were determined to be different in vessels of various regions of blood circulaton. The correlaton between ant-aggregaton propertes of the vessels and actvity of the antoxidant system could be observed, namely, the higher level of superoxide dismutase – the greater antaggregaton propertes were determined. The highest level of ant-aggregaton and antoxidant actvity was detected in aorta, the lowest one – in gastric mucosa.
antoxidant and ant-aggregaton propertes, vessels
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 158-160 pages, index UDK [615. 272.4 + 612.116.7] : 612.1