About the author:
Novak L. P., Petrenko O. V., Savitskaya I. M., Novak N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
One of the most severe complications of vascular diseases of the retina is secondary non-invasive glaucoma (VNG). The priority direction of treatment of this pathology is surgical. However, numerous hemorrhagic complications and proliferation of connective tissue in the area of operation reduce its effectiveness. In order to increase the hypotensive effect of surgical interventions, antiproliferative drugs are used. However, most drugs used for this purpose cause serious complications that restrict their use. Therefore, it is urgent and timely to conduct an in-depth study on the safety of antiproliferative drugs, which are used in the surgical treatment of secondary non-invasive glaucoma. Aim. In the experiment, to assess the safety of the effects of antiproliferative drugs on the tissue structure of the eye of animals. Object and methods. Analyzed data of experimental studies of 40 laboratory white mice, which 0.01 ml of drugs: 5-fluorouracil – 0.5 μg/ml; mitomycin C – 0.5 μg/ml; Ranibizumab 0.05 μg/ml; betamethasone 0,05 μg/ml. All antiproliferative agents were administered to 10 mice each. The animals were kept under standard conditions. The histological research data are analyzed. The effect of antiproliferative drugs on the cornea, sclera, conjunctiva, iris, ciliary body, retina and lens of mice was evaluated. The study of changes in the structures of the eye of the mice was carried out in terms of 7, 14, 225 days. The cuttings of the right eye of the animals were compared with the cuts of the left eye, as the controls. Results. During the study, it was found that in the early term (7-14 days), all drugs introduced caused changes in the ciliary body, iris, sclera, cornea, retina of a toxic nature. The violation of the trophic cells of the fibroblast cells and the decrease of their proliferative capacity were noted. In the departmental terms of service of corneal damage almost disappeared, but the regeneration processes in it were also slowed down. Weak or moderate dystrophic changes of the ciliary body and iris were maintained. The retina was followed by the phenomena of dystrophy, more pronounced in the photosensory layer. Betamethasone and ranizumab did not cause irreversible damage, in contrast to 5-fluorouracil and mitomycin C. During the separation period, residual changes in eye tissues were observed using 5-fluorouracil and mitomycin С. Conclusion. The intensity of manifestations of pathological changes in the eye tissues of mice, both in the early and in remote periods, decreased in the following sequence: mitomycin C, 5-fluorouracil, ranizumab, betamethasone. Ranizumab and betamethasone have a minimal effect on the eye tissue, which diminishes after 14 days and completely disappears into separated terms. Thus, when intravireal administration of ranibizumab, the minimal effect on the eye structure of experimental animals was noted, which confirms the high safety of this drug.
secondary neovascular glaucoma, neovascularization, antiproliferative drugs, proliferation, experiment
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 161-165 pages, index UDK 617.7-007.681-021.3: 617.725: 615.849.19