About the author:
Shapovalova A. A., Babov K. D.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Last four decades appreciable improvement of indicators of long-term survival rate is marked at the majority of malignant new growths at children and teenagers. Thus delayed consequences of treatment have even more value, than sharp complications of therapy. Research objective. A clinical estimation of a condition of children in the remission period oncohematological diseases before carrying out of sanatorium-curort rehabilitation (SCR). Object and research methods. The algorithm of inspection of 42 children in the remission period oncohematological diseases (ОGD) before SCR included the general clinical inspection (the illness anamnesis, presence of an accompanying pathology, the complaint, clinical survey). Results. The article presents the results of a clinical assessment of the state of children in the period of remission of oncohematological diseases (OHD) before the sanatorium-and-spa rehabilitation. Analysis of the structure of the main pathology in 42 children showed prevalence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (35 children). The majority (36 children) have a pathology of various organs and systems, an average of 2.72 ± 0.12 degrees of burden. Most often (in 75% of children) there was a concomitant pathology of the digestive organs. Asthenic-vegetative syndrome (AVS) prevailed in the nosological structure of other concomitant pathology (40.5%); vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), myocardiopathy and scoliosis (21.4% each). It was found that 25% of children were at risk of intercurrent diseases, which could worsen the effectiveness of sanatorium treatment. The need for dynamic studies of the functional state of sick children in various periods of remission of OHD with allowance for concomitant pathology is recognized, which is the basis for the designation of effective sanatorium-and-spa rehabilitation complexes. Conclusion. It is necessary to recognise necessary dynamic researches of a functional condition of sick children during the various periods of remission ОGD taking into account an accompanying pathology that is a basis for appointment of effective complexes of SCR.
children, clinical condition, remission of oncohematological diseases, sanatorium rehabilitation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 238-241 pages, index UDK 616-006-036.66-053.4-071:4-071:616-036.82:615.838