About the author:
Kozlova I. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Family medicine is in a dynamic state of rapid development in many regions. The need to integrate Ukraine into Europe prompted radical changes in financing and searching for new methods in medical education whilst at the same time creating a new system of primary health care. At present reform of health system steadily growing requirements of professional doctors. Because of this created the necessary continuing medical education that will allow medical specialists to maintain and improve professional competence. In the article the main aspects of implementation of distance learning for students of postgraduate cycles of improvement specialty general practice family medicine. Considered technology distance learning, organizational changes necessary training principles and measures aimed at improving the educational process. Aim of the study: to describe the peculiarities and problems of distance learning implementation as an element of the general practitioners’ training in the context of reforming the health care. Object and methods: research, analysis and synthesis of contemporary literary scientific data that reflect the features of the formation of family doctors’ medical education in conditions of reforming the primary health care system. Results. Educational activity in general practice – family medicine has increased considerably in the past 20 years. The integration postgraduate and undergraduate education, whereby practices support students and trainees at different stages, may enhance general practices’ capacity to fulfil this role. Specialist of primary care should be able to assess the specific situation, particularly critical, to make a diagnosis fast enough, to provide a full first aid and take organizational decisions. In order to ensure skilled medical care at any stage the standardization and unified approach are required not only in the diagnosis and treatment of different diseases, but also in educational program of the training of general practitioner. It is desirable that at the stage of self-training an intern has an access to current information, guidelines, tentative plan for working with literature, electronic sources. Therefore, the general need for interns is to study modern national and international guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of diseases, made by leading experts on the results of prospective randomized controlled studies which were conducted on the evidence-based medicine. Today, distance learning is seen as a form of organization and implementation of the educational process, whereby its participants carry out educational interaction mainly extraterritorially. The advantages of distance learning today are: accessibility for all; guaranteed quality of training; the possibility of studying at the place of residence, which facilitates the expansion of the circle of listeners; saving of time and financial expenses); use of modern information systems; direct contact with domestic and foreign specialists (telemedicine, videoconference), archiving of received knowledge. The success and quality of distance education depends on the appropriate regulatory framework, information provision in the form of databases of listeners, teachers, educational materials that allow you to organize classes quickly and efficiently. Conclusions. In the context of reforming the health care system in Ukraine the process of implementation of distance education needs to be improved and adapted not only to the conditions of functioning of the primary care unit, but also to the subjective perception of doctors. An important element of distance learning at the postgraduate stage of the education of a general practice – family medicine doctors is an independent, purposeful work with using modern information technologies.
general practice-family medicine, distance education, technology of education
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 264-268 pages, index UDK 378. 147+614.253.4